Assuming this Bangi Haze is female, my next cross is going to be Bangi Haze x Oldtimer’s Haze, then I plan to cross that to a Kali Mist F2 to shorten flower, increase yield, and give it that speedy, quasi-psychedelic feel. IBL to stabilize, and bam! New strain to explore.
I remember the night I showed up for my first after harvest BBQ and I was frazzled from the 8 hour drive. Fumble walks over and hands me a bomber doobie of SR-71 and my mood was lifted!
Purple Haze x Malawi
Flower Week 12 Day 4 (Yesterday)
Harvest Day

So, I had to take her early, although she looks pretty well developed. A couple of buds which the seeds were in (mostly all healthy and developed seeds) were looking like they were passing mature and almost looking burned, so I pulled her. For seed production, she’s probably finished anyway. We’ll rerun both the PHM and the Oldtimer’s Haze, as well as the progeny/backcross I’ve created in the near future. I plan to redo both, sinsemilla.

Definitely the structure and yield of a haze, with increased trichome production from the Malawi, Malawi larger bud size, Malawi fading, and a woody, incensy, and with a hint of young fruit kind of nose profile.

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(Purple Haze x Malawi)
bred by ACE Seeds ft. Oldtimer

Smoke Report
So, she hung longer than I intended by a couple days, but she actually came out perfectly. For seeded bud, she had a perfectly cured scent upon drying. Holding at 66% in the jar for a couple days more, now. I can’t give you an accurate weight, because nearly every bud is filled with seeds. Surprisingly, though, it’s still thoroughly crusted in trichomes. You really almost couldn’t tell that it had been seeded, based on the quality of the product and effect.

The smoke is nice and thick/full, the bud burns black. The scent upon breaking up the bud is sandalwood and wine, young tropical fruit, and a moderate earthiness that’s kind of sharp, earthy, and almost skunky pineyness. The taste follows the smell, with just a very small hint of grassiness from the chlorophyll left, though it’s mostly gone.

The effect is a high effect rather than stoned, with a visual “holographic effect” and fishbowl vision, but a good, moderate body buzz going, too. It’s creative, sociable, and active in the right dose, somewhat dissociative and catatonic, though still euphoric and enjoyable with heavy partaking.

Really unique smoke, even seeded.
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Yeah, I used to love me some Malawi cob. Don't see it around much anymore.
My wife did mention someone at her work said they got some recently...
She just grins and says nothing. They have no idea I grow. Herr bosses are all a bunch of potheads.
She doesn't use pot though and neither of us drink.
Yeah, I used to love me some Malawi cob. Don't see it around much anymore.
My wife did mention someone at her work said they got some recently...
She just grins and says nothing. They have no idea I grow. Herr bosses are all a bunch of potheads.
She doesn't use pot though and neither of us drink.
I’ll bet you it’s even better, fermented in a traditional cob like that. @RM3 has done the cob thing and says it’s two different worlds. I definitely want to learn the concept of it and give it a go sometime, but it will never be like anything straight out of home soil, I’m sure.
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I think I got the best mix for a Haze-oriented variation. It keeps the Haze structure, terpenes, and headiness, and adds the Malawi’s highly increased trichome size, content, & production, fading, and psychedelic effect, as well as the pineyness and a bacterial pungency ACE describes as a “fermented background” that is probably the instant cure scent I’m getting from it. A Golden Haze phenotype that finishes up slightly more quickly, with great hash production and terp profile backcrossed to a Kerala-dominant pure Oldtimer’s Haze male? I’m stoked.
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The Malawi X Panama cured really well too. Amazing taste. The most amazing effect too. I cant wait to get it running again when i have time to leave it flower a while.
I want to try the pure Panama, the Lebanese hashplant, the Nepal Jam, the China Yunnan, and I only ever had 1 Vietnam Black x Meao Thai, but it never popped, and they no longer have anymore, sadly.