purple haze or durban poison

hey im a bit of a newb when it comes to growing a mate and i have a brainstorm plant wich were growing outdoor and is my first plant and im aware that it may not have been a perfect choice (more suited to indoors). purple haze and durban poison both seem to be good choices for next year as they are supposedly very hardy and they have the up sativa high that i prefer i was just wondering what other people think of them and if there are any others worth considering and also what seed bank is the best to get them from ?


Active Member
i think there more indoor plants should hold up though, next time i would try an outdoor version like mexican sativa they grow massive with high yeilds and very good smoke.
its funny u say there indoors cos alot of places say they would be better outdoors i dont want anything that grows too big cos i need it to be easy to hide all i realy want is something hardy that likes the outdoors in uk climates and has a nice uplifting motivating high with a good yeild for its size what would people recomend ?? jmtc ???

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
its funny u say there indoors cos alot of places say they would be better outdoors i dont want anything that grows too big cos i need it to be easy to hide all i realy want is something hardy that likes the outdoors in uk climates and has a nice uplifting motivating high with a good yeild for its size what would people recomend ?? jmtc ???

I have one of these on the go, cant say much about it at the moment but it looks good, grows well and is outdoor in ireland. What more can i say?
