Purple Deisel Problems 1 week into flower! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
U need some calmag & possibly at this point u r under watering. when they start to flower, the watering needs change dramatically.
u should be using the "water by weight" method, where u water ur plants until it is coming out the drain holes, then set it down, & pick it up again to make a mental note of the weight of ur container. Then u water again when u lift ur container & it is light; u will easily be able to tell the difference. check ur ph, & make sure it is not to high, if so adjust accordingly, (usually with ph down) if so. also have u started bloom ferts with potassium in it? if not u will need to do so now that ur flowering.
they're not over fertilized........ they'd show leaf burn. absolutely no leaf burn on my plant. and yes, i've switched the ferts to a 5-15-10 ratio. may be underwatered, but i've checked the ph every day, and it's been fine. one problem is the a couple leafs are bent weirdly towrds the top, and the ones that look like theyre dieing are only at the bottom. i topped it halfway through veg, so it bushed out alot. i'm wondering if it's because those bottom ones aren't getting enough light.....????


Well-Known Member
they're not over fertilized........ they'd show leaf burn. absolutely no leaf burn on my plant. and yes, i've switched the ferts to a 5-15-10 ratio. may be underwatered, but i've checked the ph every day, and it's been fine. one problem is the a couple leafs are bent weirdly towrds the top, and the ones that look like theyre dieing are only at the bottom. i topped it halfway through veg, so it bushed out alot. i'm wondering if it's because those bottom ones aren't getting enough light.....????
hows ur humidity? the leaf curl could be because it is too low. funny, i have a lot of the same signs as ur plant on the one I topped; no leaf curl but lower leaves drying up dropping, again plant is very bushy etc. Growing 2 in exact soil, conditions, ferts, one I topped one I didn't. The one I didn't has always been the healthier of the two. I listen to the plants as I go, & try to give what is needed or try to change the conditions. It is work but gratifying work :) Recently I have added calmag, & have upped the watering. I am sure I didn't get enough N going in veg, because they were real sensitive in the beginning & after a little nute burn I slacked off too much.