Purple buds turn brown after drying?

That's weird. To be honest I'm not sure. I would expect it to turn darker, but not brown. Unless maybe it was bleached by the sun or like the other poster mentioned, it got moldy. Just speculating of course.
Its not mold, but after its dried you no longer see the purple. Its jus green and brown.
My gush plants are doing the same exact thing. Bright purple when growing on the plant, once it's been drying for 6 days it doesn't look purple anymore but a dark, almost brown green. It might get that purple coloration back a little bit when it's fully dry, but I had some "Black" purple 2 years ago. If you held a dried bud up to the light it was purple, if you looked at it normally is was a black color that was none-too-satisfying to look at. But it does have a nice flavor