Purple Bud Strains?


Active Member
Some strains only turn purple when it is cold. The low temperatures cause nutrient lockout, which results in higher anthocyanin production. This is why in cooler climates purple buds are said to be less potent than green buds (though in reality that is not always the case). Anthocyanin is a pigment (similar to chlorophyll, but blue/red/purple) that is produced naturally by the leaves of some trees in autumn, resulting in the brightly colored foliage we associate with that season. Some strains naturally produce high levels of anthocyanin, even in warm conditions. I had a mystery plant that sprouted from worm compost last year. I decided to let it live, and when it started flowering, I was glad I did. The calyxes were deep purple right from the beginning (rather than going from green to purple as flowering progresses), and frosty as hell! Judging by the smell, it was either (JTR x Qleaner) x Grapegod, or Qleaner x Grapegod.