Purple/black spots?


Active Member
Definitely not thrips... Spent over 4 hours inspecting,no bugs...
They are purplish black spots and surrounding the spots the leaf is a more yellow then green.
Any ideas?
+rep for help, please and thanks.

Sorry for the shitty pic, need a new camera
Purple and or back spots usually is a sign of toxic buildup. Check or switch your nutrients would be my first opinion. If it the only plant that is doing it check the amount of nutes you are using for that particular gal. Also wondering is she that yellow in person or is that your camera?


Active Member
Just the camera, she's the perfect healthy shade of green right now.
I'm using some 8-7-6 nutes right now
Not the mg brand, just some cheap ass off brand from my local nursery.
I started her off on 1/3 normal nutes.

I guess I'll flush and drop down to a 1/4..
Thanks for the info Vlad
Let us all know how it turns out. Could just be the cheap nutes. Some off brands are pretty harsh no matter what numbers they stick on the jug. Much luck man.