Purespray to kill spidermites

I bought this purespray bottle that i've been using to get rid of the spider mites in ma grow. The hydro guy recommend it so I bought it. Its like 30$ for a 2quart bottle I think. Not sure but has any 1 used this product to treat spidermites?? I add like 1mL for a 32oz. spray bottle and I spray the plants from top and bottom once a day. Its been like 3 days spraying and it looks like they are dissappearing not completely but so far so good. Oh n I cut the leaves that where been chewed up by the spiders (usually the lower leaves)


I had a batch where I had a gnarly infestation that came from a clone from a so cal club. I tried all kinds of things to get rid of them. I was told by a friend use bug off. I used it and it killed the adults but not the babies or eggs. So they kept coming back. So went to the local hydro shop and the guy gave me some pure spray. The best thing ever to get rid of mites. Your not using enough in your mix and your over spraying. the directions say use 1 gal of pure spray for every 100 gal of water. so break that down. that. 9.5 mils per per 32oz. I use 8 mils per 32oz of water. Spray them once every 4 days. Spray the bottom of the leaves about 5 - 10 min before your lights turn off. After about 3 applications > they should be gone. wipe down the leaves to get rid of dead mites. the reason you spray them every 4 days, thats how long it takes for tnew eggs to hatch. pure spray will kill most eggs. i hope this helps. I know how frustrating mites can be
Yea I had a feeling 1mL per 32oz bottle was not enough. Even thou the hydro shop guy told me to use 1mL of purespray per 32oz of water. N he also said one drop of dish soap. I wasnt convinced about the drop of dish soap so I never did it that way. Thanx for doing the math right. Ill make sure to tell the hydro shop guy that his math was wrong when he insisted not to use more than a 1mL per 32oz water bottle. I will try your method since it makes more sence. Thanx alot for the info.