Pureblend Pro Grow and H2O2


Well-Known Member
i was scrolling through New Growths thread on hydro and i stumbled upon him saying that you cannot use pureblend pro gro nutes with H202. Im guessing (correct me if im wrong) that its because this is an organic fertlizer? Well i have been using it for the past 2 weeks with 1.5 ml/L h202. Plants are in SOIL, posted in hydro because you guys know more about h202 (i think :) ). Plants are 3 weeks old under the trusty 400W MH, they have 3-5 nodes at this point and are 3-6" tall. Today was watering time and i noticed that the lower leaves are uniformly a lighter shade of green than the upper leaves. Im guessing this is a nitrogen diff..... question is what do i do now? is the h202 distroying the N ? should i stop using the h202, Increase ferts (currently using 1/8 strength of bottle recommendations for seedlings) or both? Im also using organic soil i believe.... foxfarm ocean mist or wtf ever it is. Funny thing being, i asked the asshole, i mean cashier, at the hydro shop if i could use h202 with this soil and nutes and he said no problem... any suggestions???