Pure White Cola - Yep


Calyx LED
whoever wrote that article has no idea what they are talking about ...

i don't care if it's written in the bible, trichomes don't "stack" on top of one another
They did... my camera can't fucking focus close enough or I'd post pictures...it's like multi stemmed trichs guys...it's all dried now, and looks super crazy.


Well-Known Member
Again read post #116
Yeah I read that article and I call bullshit. First off those are pics of a couple of light bleached plants and if this statement were true: "as the resin glands pile on top of each other, they weave into a mesh over the bud." don't you think the photographer would have provided a macro picture of the tricomes and that similar pictures would exist elsewhere? There is no way that article is even remotely credible. BUUULLLLLLLLLLLLSHIT. :mrgreen:


Calyx LED
I just smoked it and I died. It was mold for sure. It got me really tore up so it must be shitty...haha tasted like hash to me...


I have the same thing happen on my 2 plants. I am also using led and my lights were 4 inches from the top. This is my first grow and it is 2 different types of bagseed and it happened on both plants. When I touch it and smell my fingers it smells fruity and delicious. I will post my pics later tonight.


Well-Known Member
look at yo pic of light bleaching and see how each leaf graduates in color from white tips to yellow to light green to grwwn

now look at post picks they do not just hard contrast white to green and bleached plant would be dead and yellowed this is very much alive


Calyx LED
Here are some "Mold" shots for you guys.

All these buds have been smoked already, they were super fire. Smooth and potent. Just like mold should be lol!
