pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Should I send them to watch the video?

What video?

The one over a year ago of the three giant circles that appeared over your fake Israel and Jerusalem?

Tell them what those circles really are??

They will laugh at me and despise.

You shit eating assholes even depend on Mahdi's very eccentric nature to turn them away.

Perhaps his nature was given to test the sheep for you teach them that the elect one is supernatural!!!!

He is a maggot that only wants to be a worm....a man.

Of course you fools know this and why you work every 400 year cycle so hard to teach them to look up instead of from amongst their own!!!!!!

.....works well....so well even idiots like you and your puke scientists that cause so much harm can rule and continue for so long...

He let us annunaki run on a long long time also and others even longer.

Then...it is time....cut off time.

You ate the best of the wheat and a long list of crimes indeed....you killed too many....caused to much....

Then....they raise their voices....to him!!!!....

He does not want to cause harm and gives warnings and signs for us to change and sends his warner to confirm.

Only once in history was warning from god taken.

This time it was promised....if warning not taken ....he will tear the earth to pieces.

Even the jinn know this...all of them.

He made it all...if he answers and not the people...hell comes.

Planet x and nemesis will be released along with the angels of harvest.

The sun will die and our red binary appear and Andromeda and milky way one.


I know you are, because you depend on the people calling anything that David would tell them ...madness.

For few that go to him seeking knowledge take it and even indeed despise him for it.

It does not matter...free will.

Tonight....my brothers and sisters whom are here and those that will come will read the story I will give them.

Then, indeed...they can make a choice.

I tell you now oh ye deep state.... You should not mess with this website if I do this.

You will not conflict!!!

You leave it to them to decide for most will call it complete madness and run to their teachers and gurus....let them.

Those with ears...will hear.....

It is always few, that stand against the many.

It is written..... Only 313 will help him in the entire world and out of them....gods truth will destroy all falsehoods.

They will know him when they see him , their brother...enlil....Jacob... Moses...David... Eliyahu...john....Muhammad... John.....Muhammad Mahdi, the 12th from Ishmael..... Whom is no better than his brothers....

They will even know why he has had to be mahdi since we blew up the earth in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The truth.... Of Messiah... And whom he really is......for the Christ.... Is cannabis....it still dies...to save you!

Kill the tree and not the worm oh my brothers!!!!!
harvested maybe 16 wk SL's under the 3000k leds..got quite a yield from 625 w..

will let the ones under 5000k continue until you say when..fan leaves are crispy

plant looks half dead[but but in a good waaaay lol]

will update after the 3000 k plants are dry enough..i may raise my lights more next time..but being closer sure finished em fast

and bud from13 wk sl under 3000k led..red sl dry.jpg

here is a photo of 16 wk sl plant under 5000k led

half dead buds jk.jpg

Thema's..just before flip
thelmas in veg.jpg
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Everything looks fantastic old mom.

You took a good sample and you got those 5000 going that will soon blow your mind.

You got some weeks to go, but rest assured they are doing exactly what they are supposed to

Now brother you have no count and may not be as concerned over big bushes and yields from big bushes however guaranteed you will increase yield by bringing light up.

I don't know old mom but you have something with these led 5000 and even tho not fancy, they kick the crap out of all others I've seen used.

Fancy is nice, but how good does it grow?

I have just one 120 in my closet and the bushes under it are thriving more each day.

Par is everything, but even that must be balanced.

No worries, you know I don't preach or condemn or convert.

I share the story, that's it, then its choice.

All that love and do no harm have nothing to be concerned with anyhow.

There are those either here are coming here that somebody has something to say to and that's not me for I have nothing to say and rather be playing ax and writing a song.

We have been friends long enough that you have seen my heart, now let the others.

Come what may.

The Thelma's are going to be super cool as you will see and honored your growing them for me and others to see.

One love
..you have an interesting outlook and knowledge of a lot of non main stream events

5000k SL buds are crusty now..

Thelmas will be flipped tomorrow ..will repro and test smoke them

did not get to the SL bud and tried the Ogers instead

will definitely try SL tonight.
14 wk smoke test update
potent enough,
mellow balance of characteristics
big taste..still cannot define that
other stuff going full term..
nice stuff..not exactly my style unless it grows on me..

Thelmas get flipped today along with

quite a few th mex from repros
Every indica is nothing more than the original sativa thrown from Eden pollinated with cactus " Opuntia ficus indica " along with all other counterpart it pollinates with.

I will not apologize for having this knowledge.

I give it freely.... The Indian knows every word I am saying is true. Every word.

Pahanna the Hopi awaits, may they know him when he comes..
This is false. Firstly, you can’t breed a cactus with cannabis; their sister chromatids have different numbers of chromosomes and aren’t genetically compatible via meiosis. Secondly, the word “indica” comes from the fact that that variation was grown and evolved on the Indian Subcontinent. Same as the human race: adaptation over long periods of time to a climate changes the genome over time. It used to be referred to as “Cannabis sativa forma Indica.”

Ruderalis isn’t whatever you tried to say it’s a hybrid of either. “Ruderalis” denotes being of Russia. The reason it likely adapted to autoflower is due to the longer dark periods at that latitude.

Also, Shoreline is a completely different strain. There is no “Acapulco Shoreline because it was found on a sandy beach.” It’s Acapulco Mexican Sativa, if it’s a Mexican Sativa at all. Shoreline is a Grateful Dead-era roadkill skunk-type strain bred and grown in Texas since the late ‘70s, early ‘80s, I believe. There will, however, be a Shoreline Bx3 x Acapulco Gold cross coming soon, because I’m making it.

FinShaggy, is that you in there?
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By the way: I am an Shaman, as well. I follow the Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu Philosophy, and have been fortunate enough to be introduced to the Soma of the Vedas, the Chavin Huachuma Ceremony of Peruvian Andes, and the Ayahuasca Ceremony of the Amazon.

I have seen you pray to Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, and Jah. Now, granted, we’re all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, so technically speaking, they’re all the same entity, but could you please choose and stick to one spiritual tradition and the religious rituals thereof instead of invoking the name of a deity in every religion and claiming you’re a Shaman? Christians think Shamans are Satanic, and Islam and Judaism in their modern and Medieval forms are also in opposition to Shamanism.

And if you are a Shaman, what sacraments have you been introduced to? What Shamanic rituals and traditions have you been privy to?
But more on saguaro and bamboo pollinated cannabasum.

Just like the different microclimates I discussed and how they contribute also to each landraces region of distinction and characteristics, there is more.

Bamboo for instance, some are hallow and some are not.

That means, some bamboo pollinated cannabasum will have hallow stalks and some will not.

The inland Acapulco that most have seen that has seen them does not have hallow stalks and the inland as you will see especially when it buds and it's unique bud formation is what all call Acapulco gold.

The Acapulco reds around gruerro also do not have hallow stalks.

The Acapulco I call shoreline are most rare and most powerful on earth and indeed have hallow stalks and pump resin insane.

Old mom I really sent you something that probably not a soul in captivity have a pair of or even the gurus have ever seen.

Choose a good stud as they will be back crosses and stable and that is how it is done as in the wild the parents die.

Now, same with the saguaro cannabasum of Durango.

Many Cactus indica cannabasum has somewhat hallow stalks.

However the pollination with barrel " very rare in Mexico anymore because of barrel cactus habitat destruction " and huge saguaro make cannabis with huge Hallow stalks.

Morroco is greasy for it is barrel cactus cannabasum.

Sagauro however produces most hallow stalks of all.

In short, the saguaro cannabasum and the shorline Acapulco because of this characteristic are able to pump more resin than any other subspecies of cannabis.

Those two hands down are what made chemdawg and you can bet the farm on it.

Why also chem puts out resin insane and all strains derived from it like gorilla glue and many others.

However one takes away from the other in mental effects.

I much rather smoke one or the other than a combination and remember I have many hybrids I've also developed.

Pures are gods work and he cannot be beat.

I've smoked and eaten the top 100 strains in the world and nothing compares... Period.

Maybe if more gurus would have used correct lighting and gave more time, they would have seen long ago what I share freely now.

The ones here that have common sense will hear and apply and see for themselves and then help me to prove all these things for we are in this together .... That simple.

One love
Again, I don’t want to be rude, but this entire concept is something you literally just made up. It is impossible for Bamboo, Barrel Cacti, Saguaro Cacti, or anything that isn’t Cannabis to successfully pollinate a Cannabis plant, due to the difference in numbers of chromosome pairs. Meiosis will not occur.

Cannabis chromosome count: 20, or 10 pairs. Cannabis is diploid. Chromosome count for Opuntia ficus-indica: 44. Other cacti are between 11 and 33 chromosomes, most often 22/11 pairs, and can be either diploid, tetraploid, or polyploid. Bamboo has 48-96 chromosomes, or 24-48 pairs, and in once case, 2n = 192. These plants are not compatible and will not interbreed.

Chemdog/Chemdawg isn’t what you claim it is, either. It’s Lemon Thai,
Nepalese sativa, and an Old World Paki Kush.

You’re spelling Kaneh-Bosm wrong, by the way.
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I think Rev was saying the plants around cannabis affect it, not that they interbreed exactly. That is possible. You sound like you got a certificate in Shamanism. I got one thru the mail for being a Reverend. haha

Mom are you wearing corduroy pants in the pic? I still wear them too, damn comfortable. Not in style for a bit but whatever.
I think Rev was saying the plants around cannabis affect it, not that they interbreed exactly. That is possible. You sound like you got a certificate in Shamanism. I got one thru the mail for being a Reverend. haha

Mom are you wearing corduroy pants in the pic? I still wear them too, damn comfortable. Not in style for a bit but whatever.
Pretty sure he specifically said “hybrid.” Meaning, he believes they are a crossbreed.
Also, I’m pretty sure he might be on the Schizophrenia spectrum, potentially Schizotypal, but maybe just Schizophrenic. I’m not saying there’s no validity to a Schizophrenic’s religious interpretations, because it all has to do with the malfunctioning of the 5-HT2A receptor (Serotonin/5-Hydroxytryptamine receptor) which N,N-DMT also interfaces with, but I’m pretty sure Schizophrenics are receiving the message kind of scrambled. :eyesmoke:
It is my burden to carry now.

Indeed , I have healing yet to do...

I will not argue what cannabis does in the wild with counterparts... I know what it does...period.

I don't need a lesson in genes.

Just like I knew and know how to ripen it properly and how to cure all all...all degenerative cell diseases and inflammation diseases with it.

Just like I know exactly where it came from and whom brought it.

If I am a mad man...your Zionist rulers would gladly allow me a YouTube channel.... I would just be one of the gang.

The story matters not now and I will simply call out trolls and " shamans" and gurus galore....not worth it...not yet.

The only thing that matters is to love and do no harm and ripen this tree correctly so lives can be saved and this tree released.

The truth will come brothers and there is one but indeed there is a time.

As I told old mom, I have taken much and need a reprieve.. Not a further battle...not yet.

I have given freely..the info is true and sets free those that apply.

I am not a shaman or a guru... Just an ole boy the Hopi say they have waited on.

Just an old friend..a worm.

One love
I will only say one more thing for those that can't believe what they do in the wild.

Go back early in the thread and read calliandra response and add pollen and oh boy oh boy that's how it is done.

Meaning home booooyzzz! Yeahhh! Boooy!!

If I grow my male and female " say " pure indica's back home in the old hillbilly blackberry patches them sum beaches will start in the generations to get deep blackberry purple and taste and smell like them there ole blackberry... Indeed..

That's it, that is all your getting folks...take it or leave it.

Just like the ripening if you want to challenge this " wisdom" then grow your shit in shit and around some berries or whatever and let males pollinate and then keep using same seeds and see for ....yourselves!!

Or listen to your ole shamans and gurus and book writers and horse shitters.

The rev gives truth...period!!

To hell with dip shit bad science and " spiritualist " horse shit with little understanding !!

Keep challenging and walk away with your heads down again but keep your papers to yourselves... Read them all while I was dying!!!!

Listen kids for Rev does not condemn or convert.... He lays the shit on the line like the old band triumph use to say baby!

One love
“Word salad is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases",[1] most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but are semantically confused to the point that the listener cannot extract any meaning from them. The term is often used in psychiatry as well as in theoretical linguistics to describe a type of grammatical acceptability judgment by native speakers, and in computer programming to describe textual randomization.


It appears in people with dementia and schizophrenia,[2] as well as after anoxic brain injury. Clang associations are especially characteristic of mania, as seen in bipolar disorder, as a somewhat more severe variation of flight of ideas. In extreme mania, the patient's speech may become incoherent, with associations markedly loosened, thus presenting as a veritable word salad.

It may be present as:

  • Clanging, a speech pattern that follows rhyming and other sound associations rather than meaning
  • Graphorrhea, a written version of word salad that is more rarely seen than logorrhea in people with schizophrenia.[3]
  • Logorrhea, a mental condition characterized by excessive talking (incoherent and compulsive)
  • Receptive aphasia[4]
  • Schizophasia, a mental condition characterized by incoherent babbling (compulsive or intentional, but nonsensical)”
  1. of or like a pedant.
    "many of the essays are long, dense, and too pedantic to hold great appeal"
    synonyms: overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, perfectionist, punctilious, meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finicky;
    dogmatic, purist, literalist, literalistic, formalist;
    casuistic, casuistical, sophistic, sophistical;
    captious, hair-splitting, quibbling;
    informalnitpicking, persnickety
    "a pedantic interpretation of the rules"
i figured the "non cannabis" talk would not end well..

..mr olive ..no one cares about yer shaman stuff
or your wisdom..except you
as well..
if you really had wisdom you could deport your self better..
it was either you or somene else who would show up..so

so enough about you..lets see yer plants

here are photos of the



if its bodhi's ag you are growing..we can talk..i grew it out
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