Pure power plant scrog

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
For a first grow, im super impressed! Awesome setup and healthy looking plants. I wont be doing a scrog, but have just begun LST on my plants. Im in week 4 and wondering when to toss em into the grow tent with a 400W HPS

Thinking i most likely have another 2-3 weeks of veg left.


Well-Known Member
edit - can u see all the white hairs (pistols) sticking out every where? = more time lol
yeah i do see them got me there :P
For a first grow, im super impressed! Awesome setup and healthy looking plants. I wont be doing a scrog, but have just begun LST on my plants. Im in week 4 and wondering when to toss em into the grow tent with a 400W HPS

Thinking i most likely have another 2-3 weeks of veg left.
thanks .. it depends how big you want them=space. you should continue vegging under the hps i did and worked wonderful, under the hps they grow much faster..


Well-Known Member
so yesterday i installed the carbon filter. It is working quite well, not perfect but it's enough for my needs as plenty of air is passing and little to no smell so I will give it 7.5/10.


Active Member
Cool dude, it's a great idea, but remeber it's going to get much stinkier in there soon after you put them into flower, my tent totaly stinks when the door is open.

I usually go outside for a while then go in the room where my tents is and smell for the odor, unless it's been open recently then there isn't a smell.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up ;)wouldn't be looking forward to that :( i'll try putting some of that stuff they use for dehumidifiers and air conditions :/


Well-Known Member
fuckkk apparently my 2 mechanical timers changed setting... i don't know how and how long on/off they had.. so as soon as i noticed (today) i put them on the original setting is that wrong ?? this morning i was at work so I don't know at what time the light switched on :/
can to guys recommend some good timers.. From now on I will check that the time remains the same..

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
if ur running a big light then u may need a contactor for about a 20 quid, i've heard of people getting them cheeper? not sure how much in US, are u over there?

hid lights can weld the contacts of the timer together as there is so much of a draw of current when you first switch on, forcing the timer to be constantly switched on :( i've done it to a few timers, just bin em :(


i've got the £25 one as i kinda like powerplant lol

edit - 250w hid (hps/mh) dont really need a contactor, i've been running mine fine without.


Well-Known Member
I see that make sens the only thing i can understand is how both my timers fucked up the same.. :S see I have 2 timers, 1 is for lighting(400w hps) and the other 1 is for fans ( 2 4" inline fans about 35w each) and both when I checked why the light was still on where on 15.00 when the actual time was 19.15(the light is supposed to switch of at 19.00).. can this be explained ??? I don't want to spend money for nothing :/ and thanks for the quick and reasonable replay wish I can give you +rep;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to mention 1 thing and this could be my answer may you or someone on this forum can help me;) the to timers are connected to the same extension cord ;) fuck I stoned:D


Active Member
Sorry I forgot to mention 1 thing and this could be my answer may you or someone on this forum can help me;) the to timers are connected to the same extension cord ;) fuck I stoned:D

Is there any chance you turned the extention lead off or had a power problem? las fingerz is right, you need to use a contactor to protect the timer, I'd sort it out soon as mate.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
oh yeah i did also think that maby if u had a power cut that could knock the times out, mine went for 15 mins one day, i realised coz my alarm clock was flashing and had reset lol


Well-Known Member
so 1 week of flowering has passed and everything is looking pretty good ;) on Wednesday I flushed the girls for the first time (water that came out had a ph of 6.1)(I flushed with phed water at 6.5). Some pistils are showing so thats good not much to say so feel free to leave comments and ask questions peace :peace::leaf::joint:



Active Member
so 1 week of flowering has passed and everything is looking pretty good ;) on Wednesday I flushed the girls for the first time (water that came out had a ph of 6.1)(I flushed with phed water at 6.5). Some pistils are showing so thats good not much to say so feel free to leave comments and ask questions peace :peace::leaf::joint:
They are looking shaaaweeeeet dude, filled up the screen really well. :weed:


Well-Known Member
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D but still wouldn't be all that happy until they are ready if it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have made it till the 3rd week just like the 1st actual grow so THANK YOU ALL SO EVERY MUCH......

Is it wrong to continue training during flowering some are growing a bit faster than others or something like that so i just pull them down.. any opinions??

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah check out super cropping (may be one word) on this site :)

or u can just bend em down and hold em with small weights etc


Active Member
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D but still wouldn't be all that happy until they are ready if it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have made it till the 3rd week just like the 1st actual grow so THANK YOU ALL SO EVERY MUCH......

Is it wrong to continue training during flowering some are growing a bit faster than others or something like that so i just pull them down.. any opinions??
You're welcome buddy, it's been fun watching them develop :)

If you think some of the tops are growing too tall then keep training them and make the canopy as even as you want. If it were me, I would do all the training in the first 2 weeks or so of flowering, once the buds start showing, I'd leave them to do their natural magic.