Pure Indica (Afghan) should i scrog? time constraints help!


Active Member
After watching so many videos I feel like i've come to the conclusion scrog grows, done properly, give the most yield
My plants are little over three weeks and doing great, and i wana move them over to my HID room/box with a 600mh and eventually a 600hps
My real concern is I am leaving for 2 weeks in about 13 weeks, 13 1/2 to stretch it i plan to have a friend look over my mother and potentially the final parts of flowering, I would much rather have him just watch a mother, he has no experience and it would just be me telling him what to do, but just watering the mother is pretty simple, i just want this batch of flowering to be finished by then (not counting drying, he can handle that)

As you've probably seen my posts it is my first grow, and I am trying to figure out how i should flower them, I originally wanted to wait till preflowers to determine sex as i think this will be the most time effective then take clones from the ladies and then throw them (the established plants) into hps after they heal and clones in veg

So do you think scrogging them would take to long? (13 more weeks,and currently they are 3wks 2 days old)
what other ideas do you guys have??
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Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Depends how fast you can make em grow mate....i would say top em now and leave em flip in 3 weeks.....

p.s i know its your first grow but drying is the hardest part to get right fuck it up and you'll have hay buds......

good luck......


Active Member
Well I guess I am asking how fast do you think they will grow, i mean I don't know what to force them to grow faster other than feeding and good environment. Here is the strain info from the site i bought the seeds from (taking it with a grain of salt, i mean 450g would be awesome don't get me wrong haha)
Yield: 450g/m-500g/m
Flowering (Short):45-55 days
Should i follow the recommended flowering time, or what do you think, cause wouldn't that depend on how long you veg


Well-Known Member
Always gonna be a risk leaving something when it's that close to the end. If it were me, i'd have him come round twice a week and learn something so that when he's driving he doesn't crash.
I'd scrog, I love it, he can play too. By the time you go, the strech may just about be over, you'll get the scrog benefits yield wise, and he'll just be 'life support'. But mostly, he'll know the plant and what it needs. I appreciate this feels like giving up a bit of controll maybe, but your holiday timing sucks. :D


Well-Known Member
Ignore 'strain info'. Read 'vague guideline and sales pitch'
Thats the truth right there. Usually those numbers are loosely based on best case scenario in a hydro setup. The drying part is very important and monitoring multiple times a day to ensure you are not getting too dry, or getting mold which both will destroy your entire harvest. If it is pure indica, give yourself 10 weeks, and hope that you get 3-5 days to dry after harvest and before you begin the curing. For curing I suggest getting the Boveda packs and mason jars, they work great for me and do not require that you burp your containers as often during the cure (at least for me).

edit: just for clarity, I say 10 weeks, could take a little more or less but 60-70days is a safe estimate. This is from the first sign of pistils during flowering.


Well-Known Member
While we're on the subject of poorly timed field trips, I have to depart on an expedition to the Northern Wastes 12 days after my expected finish and cut date. I'd planned on drying gently for 3-5 days then curing in kilners for a month or so. Doesn't look like I'm going to be able to stick to that unless I take it all on tour with me...
...would you 1)dry for 12 days then seal 2) dry for 3-5, start curing, seal then continue after 4 days lapse (risky, maybe) 3) freeze after harvest then deal with it after I get back 4)no, fuck water curing, sounds shit, 5) er, what else is there?

This isn't a hijack, by the way.


Well-Known Member
I dry for 3-5 days then put into jars with the Boveda 62% humidity packs and do not need to burp. Just keep them in a cool dark place with the packs and I have some that have been sealed up for nearly a year. The 3-5 days is just a guideline, there is an entire section on harvesting and curing you should peruse :D


Active Member
The more I'm thinking would it be quicker to not scrog and just super crop?
Just cracked their stems today for the first time, heartbreaking but quite easy actually...hopefully they aren't dead when i open them up again haha


Well-Known Member
Scrog is a type of low stress training (LST) and would be faster than super cropping which is a bit more stress for the plants. I am not against super cropping, but plants generally recover more quickly to it than super cropping (depending on the severity of course).


Active Member
That makes sense, looks like ill be tying down the net soonish, and EverythingsHazy i agree, with some of the leaves at least up close
I just started feeding 1/2 tsp per gallon of FF grow its been about 4 days of nutes (not counting early seedlings when i burnt them, since flushed)
I just added 1/2 tsp of CaMg+ just today as lights were about to turn off and i put them under 600mh now
I'm gona see how they take the new light and recover from the bend i put in them ( most have pretty much sprung back up from when i bent early today) and see how they like the CaMg before i up the nutes


Active Member
Added the CaMg because they were slightly yellow but still green veins (as i believe i read is the difference between nitro and camg deficiencies)


Well-Known Member
Don't get to hung up on adding, swapping, changing feed for the plants. Just one thing at a time. they'll take a fair beating before they die on you. More likely to cause damage by over doing things than leaving alone


Well-Known Member
Don't get to hung up on adding, swapping, changing feed for the plants. Just one thing at a time. they'll take a fair beating before they die on you. More likely to cause damage by over doing things than leaving alone
Words to grow by! Way easier to add a little later than to take back.


Active Member
node spacing 1.jpgnode spacing 2.jpgnode spacing 3.jpgweird burn?.jpgtop plant dificiency?.jpg
So here's a better picture of the plant that was looking yellow, i think mostly because of lighting, as you can see, the last picture, the new growth is the only area that has the yellow hint the rest looks lush green to me

Also the picture before shows a leaf with some kind of burn or something, its a straight jotted line, wtf??

How do you think the node spacing looks with the other pictures??