Pure afghan can anyone help


this is my first time grow only one plant pure afghan strain 100% indica, i have a grow tent in my own apartment, and what i need to is will the neighbours be able to smell this. :?::leaf:


Misguided Angel
You are going to need a carbon filter... Everyone in the apartment building will smell it if you don't.


Misguided Angel
Afghan is a very good strain, very forgiving. I grew afghan kush from world of seeds for my first grow and they just wouldn't die no matter what I did wrong to them, and I did everything wrong my first grow. Good luck!


Misguided Angel
No problem. If you need any help let me know. I do not claim to know everything but I can sure tell yuo what not to do based on personal experience...


thanks. i dont have carbon filter at the minute, i thought or someone told me that pure afghan wasnt to bad, and just stay clear of skunk and hazes.


Well-Known Member
I've got an original Afghani #1 going right now. Just started flowering.. noticed first pistils this past Saturday morning. Pretty excited about this one, so far its doing absolutely great.


Misguided Angel
Better to be safe, especially if you are living in close quaters (apartment) There are some cheap DIY carbon filters on here if you are looking to save some $$$.
If your not flowering just yet, you should have a little time to save some cash. But once you get those ladies in flowering, it's a different story. :D Did some Afgani Kush Ryder from world seeds in my apartment. The plants gave off a little bit of green plant smell at first, but then they started to reek! I didn't mind the smell obviously and actually got accustomed to it, but made it a priority. You will thank yourself later, a must in an apartment. Good Luck