Guys, there are three watch lists, not two.
There is one that requires DEA permission
There is one that requires DEA notification due to the size of the purchases or the combinations of purchases (If you ever purchase more than a single item in a list of chemicals needed for a specific drug from the same place - you are an idiot)
And there is another list, this one leaves it to the companies themselves. With a little gotcha. If the chemicals that company sent to a person are ever found to have been used for the manufacture of a controled substance - the company pays a fine. It is a very good way of contoling chemicals that are both commonly used for benign purposes and also commonly used for , er, nefarious reasons. When i reviewed the lists, they had things like hydrocholoric acid on the list - something you can get at any hardware or pools supply store. Acetone is a big one as we all know, but it is the most commonly used solvent for all sorts of glue, dichloromethane is a platic binder (I think).
The chemicals you are looking for can all be purchased online. Ebay is your safest bet and there are always more than one vendor for each of the products you require. Wasn't lye one of them? forgodsake, you can get pounds of it on ebay every month of the rest of your life without a problem.
If you need to purchase something that is less common, look for places that charge outrageous prices for these substances. Think for a moment, they are making that money by keeping their mouths shut - PAY the price. find local vendors and make friends with them, know your shit but don't oversell yourself, become a regular and you will be fine.
Don't by so regularly - that is always a bad deal, get a larger supply and wait, off days, off months, be patient.
Get friends to purchase these things for you at odd times - assure them there will be no problem.
if you can find some businesses that are willing to help you, that always is a plus. Companies don't like to ship chemicals to residential addresses, especially regularly.
If you intend to do this sort of work - stock pile, begin now, purchase small amounts from a variety of vendors and check reactions from each vendor.
And what you are looking for is not really a problem unless you purchase both of them at the same time. No - I don't make soap, why would I buy lye but no glycerine? but I DO cure olives, and i get a lot of olives in October - so that is when I get my lye, 50 lbs at a time. and yes, I really really do cure my own olives, last year about 200 lbs.
I also make biodeisel, I can get 20 lb bags of peletized lye delivered any day with never any questions asked.
Amazon sells xylene and ebay sells dcm, in any amount. Amazon will not "report" purchases as everything is automated. Five friends making purchases at varying times and rotations will get you where you want to go.
Only the items on the primary watch list, the things like ergotamine and anthranilic acid and anyhdrous acetic acid - direct precursors are watched like a hawk, even in small amounts, although it can be done with a good story AND a business front. The rest? unless you are getting 55 gallon drums, you don't have to worry yourself.