Punk's T5 TGA Chernobyl and Ace of Spades, also featuring Woody Haze


Well-Known Member
SSSDH #1 20121230_114339.jpg
SSSDH #2 20121230_114346.jpg
Both female, not bad for freebies 20121230_114356.jpg

Top left-white widow
Top right - woody haze
Bottom right - Chernobyl
Bottom left - ace of spades 20121230_114549.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey truepunk, I think I remember reading your using a 6 bulb; I was wondering what kind of bulbs you got in your fixture?



Well-Known Member
Reason I'm asking about it is because I got a little Sunblaze 44 that I use for veg, and occasionally for indo flowering. Usually, I just throw them outside to finish because I get 12 hours of sun year around where I live. When I'm stocked up on outdo, some nice tasty indo meds are nice but I don't know what bulbs would be best. You pull of some respectable T5 harvests, what bulbs would you get for a 4 bulb fixture being used for flowering? 3:1 2700k:6500k is what I've been using, but the other day when I went on ebay they have so many different types of bulbs now I don't know what would be best. Any advice? Last run was I did indo yielded 53 grams. Is that a good harvest for the fixture?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....... What have we here?? 20121230_235233.jpg Some new genetics to examine :) probably gonna run the g13 x (WW x bubblegum) first. I'll post some more about these here in a few days when I germ them. These were bred by polyarcturus, so thanks man :)


Well-Known Member
Huh uhh.... I can see almost everyone else's?? Polyarcturus brought it to my attention, so I looked around. A few peoples pics on the frostiest buds thread are invisible to me as well. Idk man, the sites got so many problems.

Side note: Chernobyl chopped at 67 days lost a lot of the speediness of the day 63 chopped (wich is what I enjoi) better flavor tho. Less citrus. We'll see after some jar time how she really smokes.

And, I should clarify my T5 bulbs-I run 3 6700k spectralux, 1 3000k spectralux and 2 3500k elco(they were out of spectralux )


Well-Known Member
Actually, your right. I can see the attachments but they don't load when I click on them, I can't see pics on other threads either. . .wierd.