Punk's T5 TGA Chernobyl and Ace of Spades, also featuring Woody Haze


Well-Known Member
Yes they do.....but honestly, Ace of Spades is killing the Chernobyl.it smells like spice berry lemonade :) the color is amazing, deep magenta. And more resin than Chernobyl


Well-Known Member
pics dont do it justice but i see what you talking about, that how the purpling started on my purpxbgum, real light deep in the buds give it time and it will spread and look awesome! that shit looks like its gonna turn red or a blush color(purple red mixed)


Well-Known Member
Exactly bro.... Some calyx have full color, some are like striped in that color. I'm just having good luck with TGA gear, popped 2 seeds of 2 different strains....1 male and 1 keeper female from each. Not to shabby.... Still can't wait for these SSSDH thou, need a decent male for woody :)


Active Member
I just popped a couple of Querkle seeds too.. first time running TGA.. actually first time running much better than bagseed, hopefully everything turns out!