Punk Song of the Day


bud bootlegger
this dude i was working with was huge into turbo negro and he kind of got me into them... they're not too bad, nice and heavy

Steve French

Well-Known Member
this dude i was working with was huge into turbo negro and he kind of got me into them... they're not too bad, nice and heavy
I like them, got a lot of shitty ones but a few pretty good ones as well. A lot more melodic than many punk bands. The name however is terrible.

Steve French

Well-Known Member


Might be stretching 'er a bit with this band, a lot of people point to them as one of the originators of punk though.


Well-Known Member





bud bootlegger
man, i haven't heard any 7 seconds ln years... my one boy used to absolutely love them, and then of course he also loved all as well... not really my fave band, but the 7 seconds thingy made me think off all, so i figured i'd throw up a video by them



bud bootlegger
I like my punk a little crusty ;)
fucking a right, the crustier the better imo, lol...

nothing against a lot of these newer "punk" bands, but most of them don't even sound punk to me... just cuz they've got blue hair doesn't mean that they're punk imo... but maybe i'm just an old head, what can i say, lol..

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Crusty is good, but it seems to me a lot of bands really fail at making their music crusty and still enjoyable to listen to. The best punk band, for me, The Clash, sound relatively tame compared to a lot of the 80's hardcore groups you guys post. When it gets to a guy ripping one chord over and over again with shittons of distortion and the other guy tunelessly screaming on top and the drummer way out of time, yeah its fucking crusty, but it also doesn't sounds to great to the ears. Now Nirvana there (don't hate). Their album In Utero stands out to me, it perfectly blended harsh dissonant sounds with good melodies and songwriting. It is a pretty crusty album (in my opinion) yet is still good to listen to.

Yeah, I'll get back to the music now.


Well-Known Member
Well, there's bad crust and good crust. Dropdead is great crust (for example), and really, you have to feel the music through the chaos.

That Contravene song I just posted is a masterpiece, it has layers and depth, I guess it's just how you look at it.


Well-Known Member
Good crust should be punk and metal, with a touch of thrash.


There's a lot of room for melodic breakdowns and such.


Well-Known Member
man, i haven't heard any 7 seconds ln years... my one boy used to absolutely love them, and then of course he also loved all as well... not really my fave band, but the 7 seconds thingy made me think off all, so i figured i'd throw up a video by them

I can dig it. Never heard of them though.


Well-Known Member
How about some Loser Life?


youtube music can be addicting, lol...