pumps for dwc systems

Hello guys ive been on the site for awhile reading all posts and diarys I have come across and building up my knowledge as much as I can so thought id ask you great ppl on here whats the minimum litres per minute a dwc bucket should run on as im looking to run a 10 bucket system and would like to know which would be the best pump for this thanx for ur time
As big as you can afford and still have proper bucket drainage - especially the buckets where the pump attaches to for pumping back to the main res. It is going to depend on the size of your connecting tubing between your buckets. Heath Robinson said that the faster the water the better the results within reason. I use the largest pipes I can reasonably attach to my containers - 2" with uniseals and PVC. I am sorry but I cannot remember the size of pump I was using. I think 1600 GPM
might check out some of the Reef tank forums on pump reccomendations... Many, and I mean MANY pumps are over priced, unreliable or electricity hogs ... I use a Quiet one but honestly I've broke a few ceramic shafts on them and only got this one because it was the cheapest "external" pump I could find (under $30) ...the Danner Mag line is reliable but has been surpassed by others (names escape me) ...check out Marinedepot.com for selection then price compare on Fosters & Smith or Amazon....We got a Maxijest on our big reef tank and its electricty consumption is reasonable.... you want something that is dual use (internal or external) ....trust me, internal only will use your res water to dissipate heat (not always good) and external only presents electrical saftey issues if not properly mounted/setup ...whereas a dual use is safer from a water/electricity pov AND can be plummed externally (Danner Mag, some Sicces, Maxi-jets, et) ...my guess is you will need a Mag 9 or better or something in the 1200 GPH range (I'm no expert however)
Ok thanx guys I will take alook around ive been told a hailea v60 would be enough or over enough they are also silent which is great and I have a v20 so I know there quite decent just wanted some views from you guys as im still new and this is my 1st grow in dwc