Pump off 2 days - drooping & tannish roots


New Member
Accidentally kept the pump off for nearly two days after changing the water in my reservoir tank. Noticed something wrong when most the fans were awfully droopy, particularly since things have been thriving the whole run. I checked the root basin and they were dry. Not brown, but certainly not white, more of a tannish color. I triggered the pump to flood the reservoir right away and made sure it was all set up to cycle fine moving forward.

Question is, how much trouble am I in here? Are the roots dead, or just dried and stressed? Will the drooping likely turn to worse symptoms and conditions?

Had about 2 more weeks of nuts, then a 1-2 week flush left. Really hoping I didn't bone this whole run.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
water them well and watch. They should perk up in a few hours if they are still feasible. You may have damaged the root zone which can slow growth or hurt final yeild but if they didnt collapse and perk up you should still be for the most part ok.


New Member
I let the reservoir fill up entirely, totally submerging all roots and the majority of the medium (clay), then let it drain. I waited about 30 min, clicked it back on just to submerge the roots a 2nd time quick, then let it drain again.

Now it's back to the 15 min cycle every 4 hrs.

I don't want to over do it, so is this about all I can do for now?

Is 2 full days dry ever a fatal scenario, or are the odds well in my favor for the plants to make a full recovery?

I understabd it could delay this final stage a bit, but I'm just nervous I totally botched them. Say it ain't so!


New Member
…breaks my heart to see that photo. These ladies were just blooming beautifully, best ever, roots were super healthy, all was going well…insert human error. Really hoping to get some redeeming news here. Thanks to all who have chimed in or may contribute more. Fingers crossed...


New Member
Also, while people are reading this and chiming in about my problem here - any suggestions on how to grow a healthier larger root environment on future runs? Everything appeared to have been going beautifully, but does it help to use the root enhancers they sell, or use any other techniques to help out that area of the grow?


New Member
Several hours later the fans are perking up a bit. Not sure if that means nothing, but I felt slightly more hopeful after seeing that slight sign of recovery. Just changed the water out, fresh nutes, and added another air stone to up the o2 some.

Will be watching those roots and everything else in the coming days.

If the roots appear to be deteriorating worse and the plants take a turn for worse with other symptoms would you recommend just chopping them down and dealing with what I've got as-is?

I'm hopeful though.