pump cycle question


I am setting up my first aeroponic grow an I was wondering how long do the sprayers stay on
do they stay on all the time or is ther a cycle on off time
if you cycle on and off what would be a good starting cycle?


Active Member
My sprayers stay on for one minute and off for five.

my plants have been growing 2 inches a day.


Well-Known Member
cycle timing is whole nother debate alot of people are 24/7 and then theres 1min on 5min 0ff there are a few incriment timers on the market encore and cap are both decents products I own a encore and I run 45sec on 1hr off and I like keeping the pump off will keep water temps down save on some nutes and the time it takes adding back(not like its a hassle but the less work the better , Im lazy. its all personal preference really I have run 24/7 and I noticed in about the 5-6 week they needed alot less so I backed off the feedings like I said earlier its all personal preference


Active Member
I was told the reason you dont do 24/7 is because it defeats the whole "aero"ponics purpose. The time off allows the air to get the roots. I kinda like the 45 sec on and 1 hour off....I might try that my next run


Well-Known Member
I liked 15 on 45 off Ive noticed really stand up results but was have water temp problems so I came back to my regular , I will say there are alot more roots to clean up at the shorter cycles but its not biggie


Well-Known Member
shit those timers are like 50 bucks for the 1 min on 5 min off i said fuck it and go 24/7 no problems


Well-Known Member
dont even know what to say, oh I do exactly the opposite my cloner runs 24/7 and the system I'd like to make it more of a true aeroponic setups 1min on 45min off I have the ez clone 120 with the new pump so the water temps stays the same and I get roots in 4 to 6 everytime without rooting hormones .And like I said earlier its a long and fruitless engagement of stupid words on pumping cycles its all personal preference, I would totally love a side by side comparison on cycle timing ,,,,,,,,,,, and its effects tho