Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
Another quick 1 tonight lol week 6 everythings goin well the big girls are on the overdrive now

New flowerin girls






Blue cheese


Group shots



Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HEY there PUKKa.. your girls are beautiful and sooo big! I think thats the biggest super lemon haze cola i have ever seen.. You realy did a fantastic job filling your grow space. Your plants are always so healthy and massive. it must really stink in there. with the cheeze and lemon aromas. take it easy m8 ...ambz


Well-Known Member
HEY there PUKKa.. your girls are beautiful and sooo big! I think thats the biggest super lemon haze cola i have ever seen.. You realy did a fantastic job filling your grow space. Your plants are always so healthy and massive. it must really stink in there. with the cheeze and lemon aromas. take it easy m8 ...ambz
Hi ambz thanks.............yeh im likin the lemon a lot hopin for good things off its sister below...want 5 colas the same size as the big 1 lol...............it propa stinks in there!, the livers is over powerin everythin but can still get that lemon smell when closer lol



Well-Known Member
i got no shame in admitting thats loads better at day 42 than ive grown either the slh or livers and they all look so healthy, im seriously thinking bout changing to coco and picking your brains lol


Well-Known Member
Haha....... give over mate ill get a big head...................thanks tho sambo and make the switch mate ill help you out if your in the canna lol.............and i seen you grow some beautys dont be so modest lmao!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey Pukka mate .. like that newuser guy.. i decided to switch to coco this round. Im a bit nervous cuz i never used it before. do you have any advice you can give a beginner using coco. thanks Pukkabuddy.


Well-Known Member
Hey Pukka mate .. like that newuser guy.. i decided to switch to coco this round. Im a bit nervous cuz i never used it before. do you have any advice you can give a beginner using coco. thanks Pukkabuddy.
Heres some notes off the

The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

There the same as mine but the guy has wrote them out a lot better then me lol......mine are all copy and pastes lol

Canna Notes:

Rhizotonic: - Develops roots and can be used as foliar spray after transplanting or to reduce stress. Use the Rhizotonic at the high end of the spectrum (10ml-15ml per gallon) during the early stages of veg. Once the root system is big and established and you are in your final size container, then you can drop the dose down a bit, and once you are a week or 2 into 12/12, then u can drop it down to 2ml per gallon until about week 5 or six. For foliar feeding (until flowering starts), mix the Rhizotonic at 2ml per gallon. Spray it right when the lights come on, while the room and plant temps are still low, and so the leaves have time to dry before dark. Use it 3x per week, or every other day.

Cannaboost: - Kind of useless, but good as foliar spray. Use it at the low rate, 8 ml/gal applied every other day. It has little EC and will not affect the plant to much. Also, only adjust the pH if it is way out of bounds but if between 5.2 and 7.9 don't worry about it. Apply from the point of photoperiod change (12/12) to about 1 week prior to harvest if possible.

Cannazym: - Stimulates bio life - rinse coco with double dose cannazym after harvesting to use the coco up to 3 times. let it soak for a day, then replant. it decomposes old roots and stuff, then turns it into nutrients

PK 13/14: - Tends to be best used in a 7 - 10 day window starting about the time you see first flower formation. This typically, on an 8 week flower response group, to be about 5 weeks before harvest or 2-3 weeks after flower initiation (not light change). Adding it early will not advance or benefit flower initiation, only the amount of dark the plant sees will initiation flowering. Adding too early could result in phosphate accumulation and ratio issues involving Ca and Mg. If using A/B at full strength, cut it back a little as you introduce the PK. The best way to dial in the PK takes some trial and error work. This can be anything from 3 - 10 days after switching light cycle or the natural trigger for flower is received by the plant. Remember a plant has to convert to flower in most cases which takes a little time from the moment the dark cycle increases or decreases based on the species of plant being grown. Use PK for about a 3 week window at each irrigation along with the other components. Then you can stop. You really can not use PK too long except in the final week or so, or giving it too early. You want to use it when the buds are forming and just starting to kind of wrap around the branch (right before they start linking together)

Nutrient schedule for seedlings: - 1ml a+b and 1 mil rhizo - go a bit higher with every watering till you get to the normal chart level. PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a safe spot). Canna nutrient chart: http://www.cannagardening.com/growguide

Nutrient schedule for clones: - Start with 8ml (each A/B bottle) per gallon and if there is no sight of burn, quickly move up to 10-12 ml per gallon. PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a safe spot). Use solution within 4 days.

Nutrient Mix Order: - Cal/Mag (if using), then Rhizotonic, then A/B etc.. - let sit for a couple hours or overnight if possible. Then adjust PH to 5.2-6.2 (5.8 is a good middle) and use it. Always add anything with Calcium first. Probably no need for cal mag until flowering if using non RO (city) water. If you use any product with silica in it then it should be added to your feed water before adding other nutes or you'll get nutrient lockout/dropout in the mix.

Watering: - Never use just plain water with coco. Use the A/B with EVERY watering except during the final flush. During the flush, just use Cannazym. If you want to reuse the coco (up to 3 times), then use a double dose of Cannazym during the flush. After plant removal, soak coco in double dose Cannazym once more and let it soak for 24 hours, then it's ready to re-use. Re-using canna coco is good because the micro life gets built up from the previous grow.

PH: - Stay between 5.2 and 6.2. 5.8 is a good safe spot

Magnesium deficiencies: - Show as yellowing in-between the veins on the leaf and sometimes rust spots
Calcium deficiencies: - Show as brown edges on the sides of the leaves, and eventually twist and curl up and die. Calcium is important for cell density. A steady supply will increase yields.

the proper time to water coco is when the plant/container has lost half its weight... So, next time u water, pick up the plant to get a feel for how heavy it is... when it has lost close to half its water weight then it is time to water again... the coco may be starting to dry out on the top at this point, or it may be wet looking still... But you should water based on the weight, regardless of what the coco looks like.

Run off is the water that drains out the bottom of the container, and helps keep the old nutes flushed out and replaces them with the new fresh nutrients each watering.

Grow Guide | CANNA UK

These are really any good if your usin canna tho but hope somthin helps you out and any other Qs ill try and help aswell mate................i stick to the notes and guide loosely!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
thank you pukka for posting that for me. I will be using Hesi products for nutes. and im using b'cuzz coco. This is very helpful information for me. your the best Pukka!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you pukka for posting that for me. I will be using Hesi products for nutes. and im using b'cuzz coco. This is very helpful information for me. your the best Pukka!!!
Used Hesi Nutes last 2 grows with really good results, plants seemed to love the stuff, gd luck


Well-Known Member
They look fukin mint there bruv, can i pick your brains , what size is your total growing area in cm and what bulb you using a 600w? also is that a air cooled hood or a cool tube ? what size fan you using ... sorry for all the q's lol


Well-Known Member
They look fukin mint there bruv, can i pick your brains , what size is your total growing area in cm and what bulb you using a 600w? also is that a air cooled hood or a cool tube ? what size fan you using ... sorry for all the q's lol
Nice 1 rob!!..................the room is 70x110cm and like ceiling hight lol......im usin a sunmaster dual spec 600w hps and yeh its a aircooled hood mate a 5" but i only use a 4" fan for it and step it down to 4" and ive gotta a crappy 4" fan for extraction was ment to have been upgradin to 2 x 5" for both and a new filter before this grow.....looks like it will be after xmas now mate.