Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
Before hillsborough mdb how many prem leagues u win from 1990 lol and how many united mate ?? I rest my case lad united won majority mate hence we were the better team before the disastor and after yh the bloke who run united might of been in with the papers but does nt mean the wrecked ya club u did that all yaself mate shame but true!!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
uniteds 19 title came in the 90s onwards??????/ u had any sleep matey?
no fact in last post at all. read ya clubs history. y wen fergie arrived at man u did he say he wanted united to b as successful as lfc if your team was winning regular?
lfc was huge in the 70 80 united in the 90s onwards. fact. do u want me to pull up a table for u showing ya own clubs wins and success and the years? come on man how could united b bigger then lfc in the 80s wen lfc ruled europe and united was a mid table team.
i ent gunna argue this anymore mate as i argueing to random crap that isnt true
even after20 years lfc winning nothing but 1 euro and fa united still aint caught up with the 5 times euro champs lfc.
also wen lfc last won top flight it was div 1 not prem so thats how long ago it was matey.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
also stated lfc ruined own club after these facts r out shows a small minded ness that is a direct cause of alse info, from uniteds owners to the fans.
but wounds r healing now and a sleeping giant will b back very very soon. watch this space


Well-Known Member
Lmao lad your miles of the pase of united city and chrlsea mate id even go as far as sayin spur tbh mate maybe ib ankther decade but wot with gerro and the likes retiring i cant see it bein to fast lmao


Well-Known Member
also stated lfc ruined own club after these facts r out shows a small minded ness that is a direct cause of alse info, from uniteds owners to the fans.
but wounds r healing now and a sleeping giant will b back very very soon. watch this space
Exactly wot i was tryin to say u last won the league in 80s united been ontop since 90s the only comp u been more sucessfull in is champs league and thats that wen did hillsborough happen 96 hence your team had nt won fuck all in afes lad this is my point i was tryin to get axross to ya hahahahaha now put that in the pipe and smoke it lol united still ac the biggest trophy cabinet abd ulways will do mate untill then u aint sayin jack mate sorry next lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
96?? na bro that y u got mixed up was in 89 and that was last year we won div 1.
so hope u see the facts now.
also on the put that in ya pipe and smoke it, u have highlighted my point after hilsborough lfc went down hill after media ripping club apart. and united and there owners profited. fact fact fact fact


Well-Known Member
Fuck off pukka ya threads bin jacked by me an mdb haha:-P
Always been a united fan mate me dad is a united fan best team in england by miles haha na lad ive supported em since i could talk lol always will the baggies are my home team tho bad result for them today:-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha yeah soz pukka i kinda went on 1 then haha. happens with age mate.
that one seed has germed,waiting 4 it poking its head through the soil now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
glory hunter and a brummie?!?! fucksake lad. life shit on you. :lol: just fuckin with ya man. hows the crop looking? am going to switch my boost back to hammerhead this run through pk is canny but i know i could be doing better yield wise.


Well-Known Member
glory hunter and a brummie?!?! fucksake lad. life shit on you. :lol: just fuckin with ya man. hows the crop looking? am going to switch my boost back to hammerhead this run through pk is canny but i know i could be doing better yield wise.
Lmao don ya cunt lifes nothin but great for me mate hooe the same for u and yours ;-)
Yh lad mix it up try diffrent things i know the lemon likes the pk but the cheese does better with hammerhead fuck knows why but they do lol the only thing i can think of is the lemon vein a longer flower were as the xheese is rockin at 8wks. so fuck knows mate will av to dabble a little more untill i find that out mate all i know is they are both good products but i do loce me hammerhead more lmao!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah marra life's what you make of it eh ;)

aye i'm going to do a side by side with the remains of my pk and the hammerhead. these PK x Livers should do well with both really tho. this is my main crimbo run so i need a decent number out of em. my pal took 4.4 off each one he done. 4 under 1200w. which is still way down on the GPW if you ask me but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Fuck off pukka ya threads bin jacked by me an mdb haha:-P
Always been a united fan mate me dad is a united fan best team in england by miles haha na lad ive supported em since i could talk lol always will the baggies are my home team tho bad result for them today:-(
haha yeah soz pukka i kinda went on 1 then haha. happens with age mate.
that one seed has germed,waiting 4 it poking its head through the soil now.
Fuck off ya both wank, we all know sheff united are the daddies lmao................seriously tho was quite funny lol

@ mdb buzzin matey glad its germed for ya, outta all 3 crossers upto now all have germed from the reports so doin good, just cant wait to pop a few me sen now lol


Well-Known Member
my wee psycho is due a feed tomoz an my slh should be here so ill do a little pic update once its potted up an in its new home :)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
old mukka pukka the red mist pyscho has popped out th soil this moring. i had remove li; soil as covered pip up to deep , but soon as did that few hours later it was standing all proud like.
glad u getting slh matey i think it pisses on any the otha uk clones. poleaxed me on the sofa from a couple joints i was gifted lil while back. real nice taste and smell and she has a hella of a kick to it, she kicks like a donkey. u grew it before?
looking forward seeing wot u can do with it.
if mr robbie p is ever in this thread nowadays? i have popped two the slh x bomb or was it starburst haze or something?
have u had chance sample any of its bud? wot did u think?


Well-Known Member
old mukka pukka the red mist pyscho has popped out th soil this moring. i had remove li; soil as covered pip up to deep , but soon as did that few hours later it was standing all proud like.
glad u getting slh matey i think it pisses on any the otha uk clones. poleaxed me on the sofa from a couple joints i was gifted lil while back. real nice taste and smell and she has a hella of a kick to it, she kicks like a donkey. u grew it before?
looking forward seeing wot u can do with it.
if mr robbie p is ever in this thread nowadays? i have popped two the slh x bomb or was it starburst haze or something?
have u had chance sample any of its bud? wot did u think?

u having another brain fart m8??? pukka pulled 4oz odd from a 9day veg with the lemon.


Well-Known Member
Pukka lad u ought to see the gkxpsycho lad its a nice cross thats for sure mate very vigorous in growth got 2 phenos !! U reckob the livers is a late flowerer compaired to exo psycho as ive frost all over the exo and slh but the gkxlivers cross is only just gettin sum !! They are smellin nice none the less but they need a good kick on if they are gonna finish at the same time as exo slh!!

4 weeks in to flower with the livers and they have frost on frost and some of the hairs are starting to go red, thats why i was asking if they go early chedz


Well-Known Member
Right Who got photos of this SLH at her best ?? You fuckers dont shut up about it lol :D And going through 234 pages looking for a photo just aint me lol :D