Good times bad times at the spot this A.M.!
1) The fuckin' Strawberry Blue was a fuckin' male! I marked it from the start but
it was a freebie so what the fuck can you do.... I tore it out and chucked it deep
in the woods.
2) The NL/BB is flowering!!!!! pic below although it's hard to see. I don't see any
other signs of sex but I hope you all can take a look and let me know if you see
anything. (Pic at the bottom right.)
3) When I walked out of the woods into the parking lot adjacent to my spot apparently
a guy had his tire slashed and he was parked. There was a cop taking his info down
and they were about 100 yards from me. There is NEVER anyone in the parking lot
in the morning. I usually drop my water off in the dark and walk in there next morning
to water. So I immediately drop my water bottles in the bushes and look down like I'm
looking for something. Luckily he wasn't looking my way and I casually stroll to my vehicle,
get in and calmly pull out of the parking lot. The cop glances at me and then continues
to write in his little notebook. I have a well rehearsed story if I ever get questioned
and I have a few police friends so I'm not nervous around them but that was the closest
I've come to getting busted.