Ptaccp important!!!! Read please!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
The world as we know it is closing in around us, 7 billion people in the world and climbing every day. Single teenagers by the time they're 20 having more kids then a couple twice their age 2 decades ago. You're polluting this world. Stop it...
The world's organs are failing. The human race is a worse disease than cancer. We eat up it's energy and excrete pollution. The world is dying... and you sit there and watch TV all day and then fuck and OMG I'M PREGNANT LET'S HAVE A BABY SHOWER! The earth is a huge vast expanse of land, but the amount of land the earth has is never going to get bigger. The population is increasing geometrically. It is supposed to double within the next 50 years. Do you know what that means? 7 billion people now... 14 billion in 50 years, 28 in 100. Do you see the problem? If you think there's a Economic crisis right now, wait until we hit 10 billion people. There will be food riots and people will be dying from starvation and famine from lack of general medical care and nutrition. Please don't let that happen. We need to change the way we think. We need to step up and take responsiblity for the things we are doing as a whole. Forget race, Black, White, Asian, Mexican, WHATEVER, we are one world's population in the end. We need to save the world. Go get your tubes tied, go take a vow of abstinence, go jerk off, I DON'T CARE! Go do something that will make a difference.




Well-Known Member
I am not convinced, I will not watch Al Bore's powerpoint presentation. He lies and fear-mongers for profit.

Anyone who thinks the human race is a cancer on this planet should lead by example and reduce their carbon footprint by removing themselves from the gene pool.


Active Member
You're polluting this world. Stop it...

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone to stop breeding?:finger:

The world's organs are failing

I didnt know the world played an organ much less organs:bigjoint:

The human race is a worse disease then cancer

So from what you wrote using THEN instead of THAN, after humans are gone cancer will rule the world?:wall:
We eat up it's energy and excrete pollution

Obama and his idiots made a war on CO2. Being good gardners that we are what using co2 to live and excretes O2 and for the bonus question tell me who uses o2?:leaf:

but the amount of land the earth has is never going to get bigger

#1 rule of making money, buy what there is little of. God isnt planning on making any more Earth in the next week or so I buy land whenever I can.

The population is increasing geometrically

when you say geometrically we are talking about using the 4 known dimensions right? ro else you wouldnt have used geometrically:!:

It is supposed to double within the next 50 years.

12.21.12 bitch:lol:

Go do something that will make a difference.

FUCK YOU:finger:
1: Who said I was saying to stop breeding? You're being ignorant I'm simply saying at age 18 I saw a girl with 4 kids already. Are you ready to take the burden for that in the future? One child should be enough for any family.
2: As the Carbon content in the air increases to a since-the-beginning-of-the-earth time, the polar ice caps are melting. Go to the coast of siberia soon, it's gonna stink like the back end of a cow.... about 1000x times concentrated.... a giant methane deposit lies under permafrost that has been there for billions of years. When this permafrost melts it will release it into the air causing a runaway climactic climate shift that has never been witnessed by human eyes before.
3. Thanks for the pointing out of grammar, I will fix that.
4. I completely agree, but not everyone in the world IS a great gardener. Quote from, "Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but swaths the size of Panama are lost each and every year." -
By the way, did you know that the majority of energy is made by burning COAL? And yet the United States people voted no on the Renewable Energy bill.
5. Uh.. was that an insult or a statement? I don't know how to respond to that, sorry.
6. No my friend, I mean 2, 4, 8, and so on. Please enlighten me on a phrase I can replace that with and I gladly will.
7. It is possible that that could happen but highly improbable. I think we will go out like the Moai people did, on an island with no more resources, dying by starvation.

I am not convinced, I will not watch Al Bore's powerpoint presentation. He lies and fear-mongers for profit.

Anyone who thinks the human race is a cancer on this planet should lead by example and reduce their carbon footprint by removing themselves from the gene pool.
Why be so blind and belligerent there's no need for that.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I used to be afraid until the day I realized that this world is way more powerful than we are and can easily reverse what we've done. Natural disasters are like the end and beginning of the cycle, the yin and the yang. Just look at hurricane katrina and haiti...lighten up and have a smoke, after WWIII the cycle will repeat itself and their will be a small population again.


Active Member
OK, so he lied. Plenty of climatologists and meteorologists agree
save the world, kill yourself.
I respect your grows so I'm just going to ask you kindly to keep comments like that to yourself please.
Methane?????? Get the drill and let's use that shit.
I agree. Until the problem is solved though, this is a solution.
Fuck the NWO and its war on people
Good, someone knows about the NWO. I agree, I am against it too.
I used to be afraid until the day I realized that this world is way more powerful than we are and can easily reverse what we've done. Natural disasters are like the end and beginning of the cycle, the yin and the yang. Just look at hurricane katrina and haiti...lighten up and have a smoke, after WWIII the cycle will repeat itself and their will be a small population again.
You wouldn't want to fight the imposing doom? We have so many new innovations in technology that this problem shouldn't even be a problem. We should have had this happen a long time ago. You can go get a vasectomy and be home in as little as 6 hours. What is the point of ending everything we've worked so hard to accomplish if it can be saved by simply not having more then one child.
You're polluting this world. Stop it...

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone to stop breeding?:finger:

The world's organs are failing

I didnt know the world played an organ much less organs:bigjoint:

The human race is a worse disease then cancer

So from what you wrote using THEN instead of THAN, after humans are gone cancer will rule the world?:wall:
We eat up it's energy and excrete pollution

Obama and his idiots made a war on CO2. Being good gardners that we are what using co2 to live and excretes O2 and for the bonus question tell me who uses o2?:leaf:

but the amount of land the earth has is never going to get bigger

#1 rule of making money, buy what there is little of. God isnt planning on making any more Earth in the next week or so I buy land whenever I can.

The population is increasing geometrically

when you say geometrically we are talking about using the 4 known dimensions right? ro else you wouldnt have used geometrically:!:

It is supposed to double within the next 50 years.

12.21.12 bitch:lol:

Go do something that will make a difference.

FUCK YOU:finger:


Ummm read the bible.. thats whats coming for us.. and its scarier than starvation and all that you think is going to happen.