Psychild's 4x4 Grow Tent (Black Sour Bubble, TWxES, SSHx, DPx, BRxBR & MORE!!)

Got some good news boys...I found a few purple calyxs on the BSB, and the way my LQxCB looks, she should get some purple hues as well. Ill try and post pics tomorrow...plabt count is as follows

1 Caliband
1 SSHx
1 Purple BS
1 Lemon Qleanor x CB
1 BSB x CB
1 TW x ES
1 Random THC hydro

All of these are girls, and are starting to throw out pistils everywhere!
Pics! Pics! Pics!
Uploading now √


Nothing special with pictures right now, just tried to get a few to give you guys a small view. I know a couple of my plants are clawing because of my pH....I had to do an emergency watering the other day, and didn't have time to pH my water well. They'll shake back in a day or 2 after my next watering. √

All the pictures are labled.

Hey Psychild things are looking gooooood! Looks like you have your timing down for everything real nice, can't remember is this a new set-up or you did something new recently? Going to start running a perpetual now ya might as well. Be real careful with your males that you don't ruin your entire crop, it's not hard lol. Pollen has the consistentcy pretty much of smoke....and can and will get everywhere ;)

Later man about time for the pics I mean thanks for the pics hehe ; !)

Hey Psychild things are looking gooooood! Looks like you have your timing down for everything real nice, can't remember is this a new set-up or you did something new recently? Going to start running a perpetual now ya might as well. Be real careful with your males that you don't ruin your entire crop, it's not hard lol. Pollen has the consistentcy pretty much of smoke....and can and will get everywhere ;)

Later man about time for the pics I mean thanks for the pics hehe ; !)


Thanks man! This is my first grow with hid from start to finish. My previous grow was brickweed and cfls for veg with a 175w mh for flowering, so we should see quite a difference! I'm using a 400w for all these right now >< but I just thought about using cfls to veg clones and throwing my 175 in for a little extra lux and spectrum.

Thanks Coloco!

I raised the tw x es which is in the middle, so my canopy is way more evenly spread. Another groupy when I get home!
Lol sorry guys...been busy with the girlfriend >< She'll be out of the house for the next few hours, so unless me and my room mate are finishing up the Gears of War 3 story, I'll take some pics for your guys of all the plants &#8730;
Had a bad luck weekend with the man.....didn't get a chance to take pictures, but I absolutely promise I will get some pictures up today &#8730; Lights on at 5pm CDT.....I'll snap some then!
Sup Everybody? Spent most of the day hanging out with my girl, watching the final episodes of Will & Grace >< and the last Harry Potter movie. Anyway, I finally got a minute to break off and take some pics for you guys! I'm not gonna do anything fancy, just throw up the Name Stick as the first picture of the bunch so you guys knows what's what.



















I know the Calizhar x CB has some nasty clawing going on right now....still trying to fix that, just gonna give it a good flush tomorrow, then a medium sized feeding next.

Lordy fuking lordy man your going to have a couple of beasts in there! Nice going Psychild!! I thought the Caliband was going to be a beaster until I saw your Trainwreck x Early Skunk....wa wa we wa lol!! I have some of those seeds too from aev, I'll be keeping an eye on that bitch. Just went and checked my seed stash to make sure those were from aev and I noticed some OG Kush x Convict Kush in there with some other awesome strains from him.....hmmmm I have been on a kush hunt lately hehe sooo :)

Great shots man, I'll need to check them out again later...getting ready to start another day of trimming right now ; !)
woooo hooooo!!! you got some buds going on there!!!!!!!!! they all look great man!!! very healthy!! don't be afraid to defoliate if ya gotta!!!
Lordy fuking lordy man your going to have a couple of beasts in there! Nice going Psychild!! I thought the Caliband was going to be a beaster until I saw your Trainwreck x Early Skunk....wa wa we wa lol!! I have some of those seeds too from aev, I'll be keeping an eye on that bitch. Just went and checked my seed stash to make sure those were from aev and I noticed some OG Kush x Convict Kush in there with some other awesome strains from him.....hmmmm I have been on a kush hunt lately hehe sooo :)

Great shots man, I'll need to check them out again later...getting ready to start another day of trimming right now ; !)
Thanks a bunch man! I got a few of the CK beans too, was just waiting to pop them till I got a more permanent place. &#8730; I think you might have gotten the hydro mixed up with the TWxES....although it is one of my favorite and prettiest plants in there, I'm pretty sure it'll be my smallest yielder. I labled the Hydro just in case you did &#8730; Hope the trimming is going well, wish I could be there to help you Lol

woooo hooooo!!! you got some buds going on there!!!!!!!!! they all look great man!!! very healthy!! don't be afraid to defoliate if ya gotta!!!
Thanks Stoney!!! Man I'm so glad you said that....I've been taking off fan leaves like crazy! Kinda second guessed myself about it yesterday, but now that you say so I don't feel bad :P I only took off leaves that were blocking smaller bud sites, and leaves that constricted air flow. I'm thinking the main reason why I need to defoliate is just because I vegged so long, and topped so much.

It might be a little early, but I went ahead and spluffed a bud on the Caliband (I like Calibhand, but I'll leave that up to HC ;)) I'll try spluffing a couple more in the next week or so. I'm having a HUGE problem right now Lol My male cab is about 2 feet away from my Flowering cab, so I need to get me a film canister so I can spray and bin my Caliband male. I have a clone of both the male and femal Caliband, so I might clones those 2 and throw them in the male cab just have plant sex. Figured it be a lot safer to spluff a whole party cup plant, rather than trying to get the Caliband in my flower tent pregnant. We'll see. &#8730;