PSA: PH your damn water.


Well-Known Member
These girls had a rough start in life, newbie me was frantic. I posted a few times here asking, like we all do, "how do I save my plant('s)?". And each....... most.....sometimes got great answers! At the end of the day there is really only so much that can be told in a picture (especially under our lights), or a few words on a screen. It is different in every person's situation what looks like one thing could be another, or a mix, creating the perfect storm. It is up to us to take everything we hear with a grain of salt and come up with our own conclusions. Ask 10 people here what to do, you get 6 different answers (a few of you are pretty good! and 1 got tired of answering the same questions lol).

(Hopefully these pics post in the right order)
These girls sprouted Jan 9, 19 they are in coco/perlite in jiffy pots.

The first two pictures were at one week 2 days and the general consensus was overwatering. I was under that impression but wanted confirmation. But my coco was dang near dry everyday? Maybe my pots are holding water at the bottom? I poke more holes and make the existing ones bigger.

The next three are at two weeks I had eased up quite a bit on watering letting my coco get to exactly its dry weight, measured on a scale, before watering (remember they were close to dry everyday as is). Still my answers are overwatering and someone notices the slight burnt tips. I had started feed at 1/4 strength week 1 so yeah maybe I started early but most of what I read said to start feeding after 7-10 days in coco. So I started plain water to flush when dry. But I noticed they drooped worse when watered. root rot? Flipped the worst one over and started taking away "soil" but all I started seeing were white roots so I stopped and, as careful as I could, put it back.

The next was at two weeks three days. The day I got my ph and ppm meters found out my water PH was at 8.5 and wanted to start over to not have stunted baby plants...........dont mind the shriveled plant to the side, that was a wish "weed" seed someone had given me. I thought I'd see exactly how long it takes to dry out my coco. (Third lights on and they are crispy btw)

Last but certainly not least. I went and got some ph buffers the day after I saw my ph. adjusted accordingly added nutes ph'd again (cause why not it's my new toy) no change. Transplanted into cups because I felt the jiffys were leaching the water from my coco drying it up too fast. Watered and 24 hours later they have made a complete turnaround! Some of the lower leaves are screwed but the plant in its entirety has blown up in my eyes. I even checked the roots and they exploded in the one day they reached the edge of their new cups have traveled a quarter way down and are looking hairy!



Well-Known Member
when you transplanted were they rootbound? personally i'd have those plants in 1gal nursery pots
No they were not root bound, not even close. My bad ph water seemingly slowed everything down. Now that they are taking off I will check again in a few days. They will be going into 5g smart pots which would have been the only transplant but I REALLY didn't like the jiffy pots


Well-Known Member
yea man i am learning the hard way XD i used to take PH for granted and not PH. so after reading this i PH'd my water/nutrients of course i add silicone which raises PH but i figured im safe. before nutrients was 6.3. after adding everything ph was at 6.8-6.9.

will likely stop being lazy and take the small amount of time to PH every watering/feeding now. i mean im not super concerned but just takes very little time to PH in general plus wtf i bought a PH pen if i aint even going to use it.


Well-Known Member
Just know that the pH is way different for coco and for soil. 6.5 for soil, but someone else can chime in with the exact, but I'm pretty sure it's in the 5's.


Well-Known Member
I don't grow in coco, but yes, it is important to ph your nutrients in this style. That said, I doubt you slowed them down too much by giving them 8.5 water. They grow very slow above ground the first two weeks, and then really take off after that. Assuming your coir was well rinsed and had a good ph, it would buffer the ph of the water to the ph of the coir, in time.

I think it is common for coco substrates to be watered with low level nutes every day. Not advising you do that because I don't have the experience in that area. But I do encourage you to go find some people growing your style that are posting beautiful pictures of their plants, and get their advice. It is hard to know who you can trust for advice, so I gravitate toward folks that show their work. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I don’t ph crap unless I’m hydro. In good coco they’re pretty well amended so like bugeye said they’ll buffer just fine for a bit. But I stick with soil as I never need to worry with the ph and slam it full for mycorrhiza.


Well-Known Member
I don’t ph crap unless I’m hydro. In good coco they’re pretty well amended so like bugeye said they’ll buffer just fine for a bit. But I stick with soil as I never need to worry with the ph and slam it full for mycorrhiza.

I am growing in FFOF, this is the second time i have read this in as many days.

Can you clarify for me?

Is this all soils you are referring to not worrying about PH? or just certain types?

Would FFOF be on your list of soils that dont require ph`ing?

I have been ph`ing every drop they get since i started, wondering if im just wasting time and ph up and down lol


Well-Known Member
I am growing in FFOF, this is the second time i have read this in as many days.

Can you clarify for me?

Is this all soils you are referring to not worrying about PH? or just certain types?

Would FFOF be on your list of soils that dont require ph`ing?

I have been ph`ing every drop they get since i started, wondering if im just wasting time and ph up and down lol
I don’t for any well built soil. Personally I’ve never used any fox farms stuff but I’ve used all of roots organic, multiple super soils, build my own etc. never worried about ph period it’s a waste of time for me. Jam it full of some mycorrhiza I’ve been using worm tea and recharge but I just got some photosynthesis plus. That shit is good but smells like old eggs and assholes lol.

T macc

Well-Known Member
I am growing in FFOF, this is the second time i have read this in as many days.

Can you clarify for me?

Is this all soils you are referring to not worrying about PH? or just certain types?

Would FFOF be on your list of soils that dont require ph`ing?

I have been ph`ing every drop they get since i started, wondering if im just wasting time and ph up and down lol
If you're using nutes, its probably best to ph I would imagine. But when running organic soil, the micro herd will adjust the ph to the plants liking. I figure as long as there's not too much of a buffering amendment, I.e too much dolomite. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about too much buffer


Well-Known Member
Coco has got to be the EASIEST form of growing. You stick to the rules and don't try crazy shit when your stoned, life will be good. Give this a look. follow the directions and party on.
MAN I've given up on trying to get up on that forum! I thought since they pretty much all use coco I could pick up on their style. But I had a problem with the registration email on both of my email accounts they just never showed in the spam or anywhere and cant seem to get it resolved.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
MAN I've given up on trying to get up on that forum! I thought since they pretty much all use coco I could pick up on their style. But I had a problem with the registration email on both of my email accounts they just never showed in the spam or anywhere and cant seem to get it resolved.
I just took note of his Fertigation methods. The forum is a mess.