PSA: Be smart about using CFLs


Well-Known Member
CFLs are known for being cheap, efficient forms of household lighting, using much less energy than their incandescent counterparts.
However, these bulbs are capable of having (small) explosive burn outs, and have been reported to catch fire on several occasions.
This IS a rare occurrence. The chance of it happening to anyone here is very small, but seeing as most of our CFLs are inches away from flammable plant matter, it doesn't hurt to be safe.

How does this happen?

When a CFL can no longer produce light, the electronics in its base will still try to function, sometimes leading to overheating, smoke and fire.
Typically if this occurred and the CFL was in a somewhat isolated metal fixture, there's a good chance it would just overheat & smoke and that would be the end of that. But if it bursts and material nearby is ignited, it could get out of control depending on the setting.

CFL's are worn out more quickly by overuse, being turned off and on excessively, and overheating.
If the bulb is hanging upside down, the base is more likely to burn out overtime, since heat emitted from the CFL travels upward and will slowly damage the components in the base.

How is this prevented?

Luckily as growers/gardeners, we mostly utilize the sides of our CFLs, which prevents the emitted heat to all travel straight up to the base.
These CFLs do take a beating though, being used for 12, 18, or even 24 hours a day.
Check your grow bulbs every month or two, look for hot spots near the base, cracks, and other signs of overheating or damage.
Vibrations from a fan or other mechanics on the same platform can wear out them out quicker than normal.

This video is from a guy who uses CFL's frequently in gardening, but experienced a CFL fire from a burnout in his bathroom.


Towards the end, he gives tips on how to use CFLs safely and prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Again, I realise this is an unlikely thing, but I would hate to see it happen to anyone on RIU!

And now you know! ;)
