

Active Member
so i need some help guys... im grown some plants in a hydro system with plenty of air circulation... my question is my plants are 3 weeks old and have SOOOO many leaves all over... tiny ones, large ones... to me it seems too clustered.. what should i do


do not clip anything!!! leafs are very important to the plant!! gives energy when comes to flower. leave the plant alone. let it grow.


Well-Known Member
are you in veg or flower?

i practice the unorthodox art of pruning & flagging, as taught to me by my mentor in northern california.
about 2-3 weeks into flower i will remove the bottom 1/3rd of growth (this is my branch selection) to force the plants to focus their energies.

over the course of the first 5-6 weeks of flowering i remove big fan leaves that cover bud sights to bring more light to the sights.

you might want to check out (website done by AN's Remo) theres a VIDEO segment about pruning & flagging.

its an advanced set of techniques for sure. expand your minfd and increase your yeild!

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Leaves are the energy factories of plants.
But these "factories" need all their supplies (light, CO2, water,..etc..)
There are many techniques to optimize this with the limited lighting indoors.
Fimming, Topping, Lollipoping, SCROG, SOG......on and on.
My advice is to look into these techniques and decipher what would be best for you.
I Top + Lollipop.