Pruning all fan leafs during veg


Active Member
You guys stop filling this members head full of shit. You all talk like your experts and it is pathetic. You all live in the dark ages and religiously believe in well over 60 year old botany guides. It 2014 get with the times and be open minded to new and innovative ways to growing weed.
We all have opinions but to force your opinion is just cunty.

This is for the open minded members that want to know:
have a read of this lol


Active Member
Great success by taking EVERY fan leaf from month old veg plants....
ONE WEEK before planned flip to FLOWER???
(like fuck you have).
sorry nothofengland but I have done this and it does work

taken every fan leaves off a week before flower
can work really well on a fast growing strain


Well-Known Member
You even seen the end results but some idiots don't seem to get it, oh and don't even start with 'you're a newbie what do you know anyway' Yeah, newbie to this site but not to growing ffs!


Active Member
You even seen the end results but some idiots don't seem to get it, oh and don't even start with 'you're a newbie what do you know anyway' Yeah, newbie to this site but not to growing ffs!
been a perpetual grower, non stop for the last 8 years, pulling 6 crops a year :)

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
honestly, i've never defoliated for flower, other than pruning bottom 2/3's of the plants to allow for tight spacing (pretty much super sog), but i cut moms down once or twice a year to keep them bonsai and small. i'll leave only one node to grow back from and in a month, i'm taking at least a half dozen cuttings to train it into a bush again. rule of thumb is don't knock it til you've tried it.


Well-Known Member
honestly, i've never defoliated for flower, other than pruning bottom 2/3's of the plants to allow for tight spacing (pretty much super sog), but i cut moms down once or twice a year to keep them bonsai and small. i'll leave only one node to grow back from and in a month, i'm taking at least a half dozen cuttings to train it into a bush again. rule of thumb is don't knock it til you've tried it.
Well said. The haters hate because they don't understand and have never done it and then they try to preach like they are expert lol.


Well-Known Member
Have not done this technique and I generally try not to stress my plants. But very interesting.

I have a hard time believing that removing all those leaves actually improves yields. From what has been discussed here, I only see anecdotal pics, no side by side comparisons of clones grown under same strength lights and same nutes but with a defoliation and LST technique vs. a pinch/FIM and LST technique. Beside yield, would like to know how they compare qualitatively in smoke tests.

Anybody done a more scientific test of this technique?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for linking the article popcorn. I have always been of the opinion that defoliation was counter productive... more leaf mass meaning more ability for the plant to gain energy and grow bigger buds. I am starting a breeding project and will have room for 4 larger plants in addition to the plants I am crossing. I already have plenty of smoke from the last harvest so no risk in experimenting. I am going to try it on at least 2 of the plants and see what the results are. I will defoliate once in veg, once at 2 weeks flower and once about 2 weeks before harvest. I love a good experiment...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for linking the article popcorn. I have always been of the opinion that defoliation was counter productive... more leaf mass meaning more ability for the plant to gain energy and grow bigger buds. I am starting a breeding project and will have room for 4 larger plants in addition to the plants I am crossing. I already have plenty of smoke from the last harvest so no risk in experimenting. I am going to try it on at least 2 of the plants and see what the results are. I will defoliate once in veg, once at 2 weeks flower and once about 2 weeks before harvest. I love a good experiment...
The stress issue is the only reason I won't do it again, remember my big one in the back? ya she hermi'd. If indeed you are going to try this do it with a good strain with strong genetics.


bud bootlegger
Have not done this technique and I generally try not to stress my plants. But very interesting.

I have a hard time believing that removing all those leaves actually improves yields. From what has been discussed here, I only see anecdotal pics, no side by side comparisons of clones grown under same strength lights and same nutes but with a defoliation and LST technique vs. a pinch/FIM and LST technique. Beside yield, would like to know how they compare qualitatively in smoke tests.

Anybody done a more scientific test of this technique?
exactly what i was thinking.. the op can claim taking off all his leaves up'ed his yield, but i don't see anything to compare it to.. it's not like he did a side by side with the same strains, say from clones, and ripped all of the leaves off of one and left them on the second, and treated them the same from that point, topped each, super cropped each identically, same nutes, yada yada yada..
if you don't have a control to compare against, you can claim all you want, but there's nothing to back this up.. it's not a scientific otherwise..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warning, I do remember the hermie in the back from your last grow. I plan to defoliate gradually over several days at each step to minimize stress. One plant will be a Jack Herer and the other will be a Jilly Bean so pretty stable genetics. I will be documenting it along the way...

racerboy, you are right that without a control any experiment won't prove anytihng conclusively. I am just curious, and am confident that I will be able to judge the merits of the technique based on my experience with the strains I will be using. Looking forward to seeing what happens.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the warning, I do remember the hermie in the back from your last grow. I plan to defoliate gradually over several days at each step to minimize stress. One plant will be a Jack Herer and the other will be a Jilly Bean so pretty stable genetics. I will be documenting it along the way...
That will be a popular thread. Many people will watch just to see if they can come in and troll and say "I told you so". Follow the guide I posted as it has all the info you will need.



Active Member
Thanks for the warning, I do remember the hermie in the back from your last grow. I plan to defoliate gradually over several days at each step to minimize stress. One plant will be a Jack Herer and the other will be a Jilly Bean so pretty stable genetics. I will be documenting it along the way...
never had any Hermie problems my self, but only grown reg seeds in soil and take cutting from the best plants

here's one of my plants, just turned over to flower

full picture of the plant


the main stem and side shoots


on this plant there 7 main shoots


look close at the plant, its not been topped/fim, lst, super cropped but still has a very level canopy :)