pruneing to help mold groth?


it has been raining a lot i have been thinning leaves to get more air flow... any advice on what works well to fight mold/mildew? besides covering them they are ten foot tall?

New Grower 420

Active Member
well after it rains try to go out and shake all the extra water balled up on the buds that should help prevent mold....duno how easy it would be to shake a 10 foot plant guess you'd have to go branch by branch haha.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Shit dude, i wish i could help you bit i can not.

I hope you have no problems and good luck on you harvest my friend.



I decided to pull a bunch of huge fan leaves off my big outdoor plants as mold was appearing inside. I did not want to do it but the leaves were so thick the light and wind could not get into the center of the plant. I was amazed at how yellow the inside growth was. Now things are greening up and the mold has not progressed. i hope I did not harm the plant for doing this.


ya i did the same it does not look like it affected them thanks guys the weather is gettin better!!!!