So much false. First off, 'shading flowers' doesn't even mean anything because flowers don't photosynthesize. Leaves photosynthesize. Secondly, if your leaves start to turn yellow in quantity it is a sign that you are under feeding the plant. The solution isn't to start cutting, the solution is to make sure your plant is getting what it needs to thrive. Thirdly, even if a leaf isn't getting much light it can be a useful resource for the plant to pull nutrients from if it should run into a deficiency due to inadequate feeding or pH issues.if they are shading the flowers those can go and when they start to turn from green to yellow remove those and if they don't get any light at all those can go too because they're not doing anything.
Agree with you. While more solar panels more energy "and an adequate pattern of nutrients.Do you know how to grow weed? That's the 2nd statement you've made today that's utter bollucks op don't listen to this clampit.
Any fan leaves in the way of bud just move them to one side of the them gently out the way, if you cut it off your in effect starving your plant, those fan leaves = food and energy!
your right . but gave me a good idea. thanksbe sure to weigh the removed material remove an equal weight of root mass for a complete experience.
When a plant no longer needs a leaf it will let it die and fall off. As a plant flowers it will lose fan leaves that's natural because it used those to grow big and fast with but no longer needs them because it doesn't take as much energy to flower. There's microbes in the soil feeding the plant too. The plant keeps the leaves it needs to finish flowering but if they are kept green with ferts the plant builds up nitrite and nitrates so when it's harvested it's loaded with them and they're not good for you to smoke so if the plant is allowed to lose those leaves naturaly it will use the stored nitrites so your smoke isn't full of that shit.