"Proud Boys" face the music!

Maybe but I'd wager they'll find the cops a lot less reluctant to use lethal force if they pull crap like that again. End of life sentence for some.

Again I dunno. Coupla years back the cops were downright chummy with gravy seals from many different pisspot militia.

The police in this country concentrate fascists like a swordfish concentrates mercury.
Again I dunno. Coupla years back the cops were downright chummy with gravy seals from many different pisspot militia.

The police in this country concentrate fascists like a swordfish concentrates mercury.

Yep, they love cops and cops love them. Looking at what other groups back your beliefs is a good way to know where you stand.

Cops and fascist assholes go hand in hand.

I am kind of glad the right stopped with their supporting the troops shit. They dumped the military once they saw minorities rising in the ranks. I do think they have a bit of penis envy over the combat experience and such.