Protect Yourself on the Net or How to stay out of jail when information gets loose!


Well-Known Member
Recent events at RIU prompted me to post some basic security information for you all to help protect your identiy on the net in forums like this. I would hope that the newbee FAQ has something like this. Everyone has an ip address that identifies where your computer is hooked up to (server)(service provider). You are tracked by this number and you leave a foot print everywhere you go, so there is no where to hide, so take action to prevent this. I'm not going to give you all kinds of info here if it's important to you than google it

Google + "How to configure Internet Explorer to use a proxy server" or what ever you are using.

All companies that opperate in any country are subject to the laws of that country. For example in Canada and USA if the cops want to know who XXXXXXXXXX ip address is they get it.So oneway to protect your identy on the internet is to use a proxy so you can not be tracked and identified.

Hint = don't use one in your own country!! (most have a number of connections around the world)

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Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to spook anyone, things have happened in the past and were not in Jail but in our business you can't be too careful!!!
