Prosecutor Investigated For Pot Growing


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Well-Known Member
150 plants in a house he shares with his mother......

But yet and still.....District Attorney's Office spokesman Mike Geniella said Fuentes has been placed on paid administrative leave while the investigation is ongoing. No arrests have yet been made in the case.

I guess it's a step in the right direction, but if any of "us civilians" was found to have 150 plants we would have free admission to the Honeymoon Suite at the local BOOTY HOUSE!!!


Well-Known Member
If you google the guys name you get another article from 2011 where a cop in Illinois was arrested for "SELLING POT OUT OF HIS SQUAD CAR". Unlike the District Attorney he was not placed on paid leave but did get arrested. But how hypocritical is it for these guys to make a living arresting and prosecuting what I can only describe as their competition. Endless men and women have had their lives throw far off course for much less than 150 plants. Sorry to feel this way but I say lock 'em up and lose the key.

Just my $.02


Well-Known Member
Sorry to feel this way but I say lock 'em up and lose the key. Just my $.02
+1! Cops/Lawyers who lie (commit perjury) or are committed of felonies should lose their jobs, serve mandatory jail sentence that a judge can't change (just like us citizens), lose the right to vote and all that other fun stuff associated with doing time. Why is it OK for them to break/ignore the law? Why is it OK for them to shoot women and children (Waco, the Bronx). F*cking pieces of shit, I hate everyone of those law enforcement f*ckers nowadays. They are the enemies of all free minded people and I hope everyone of them drops dead the day they retire. Serves 'em right I says!

I think now would be a good time for me to medicate :).