
Active Member
High All- I'd greatly appreciate any feedback & suggestions on my set up. These Chocolope girls are 3 wks & 2 wks old. I'm using bottled H20 but want to switch to my well H20, filtered & ultraviolet purified if that's OK. I've been trolling the threads for nute tips, and will like to cut some clones one day. This is my first hydro grow, done dirt before. Thanks, --Sandy



Well-Known Member
No offense but none of those light are doing anything for you except making you see better maybe... How old are those fluoros on the under part of the staircase, they look like the need ballasts from the pics. The CFls are not do anything, there not close enough. tinfoil is no good, neither is the garbage bags. What color are the walls under all that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Clones would work best, but you can flower 1-2 adult females from seed in one AG. Sandy, I'd recommend adding an airstone and airpump to the resevoir. Your well water will work fine. The AG nute tablets that come with it are very weak and won't yield much or have much flavor. I'd go for some fox farm nutes, but make sure you buy the hydro kind so it won't clog up your pumps. Oh yea and supplemental lighting, I see you already have're gonna need it.

th33 pharmacist

Active Member
looks like a fire hassard - just paint flat white, rip all that junk off the wall , put the mounted tubes on chains and and if your felling nifty put some emergancy fire blanket on the wall shiny thin kind at wall-mart 99%reflective but holds heat witch might help because you have floros, and a co2 puck because lookes like bad vent
hope it helps you


Active Member
Thanks All, each unit does have a pump & stone. Glad to know well water is OK. Will order Fox Farm Nutes. Flouros are on chains: should I remove AG unit lights and just lower the tubes?? Dual fan is blowing in to cool air and door remains open 99.99 5 of the time. Good Karma to you, --Sandy


Well-Known Member
Sandy I personally don't like foxfarms. They're organic and you can't use h2O2 with them. I'm not saying they don't work. How much do those AG systems cost?


Active Member
The AG's were about $100.00 per. I can remove the hood lights on the AGs and lower the tubes from above if that is better. Wish I'd seen the tubs y'all are using before I bought the AG's, WAY more room for roots... NEXT time. I think the AG's are going to be relegated back to the kitchen counter where they belong with dill & basil. It just SEEMED so easy... The biggest problem is the inability to override the AG's light timer system to be on for 24 hrs. What is a recommended feed for mixing with H20? I didn't know Fox Farm was used INSTEAD of the water, does it,( fox farm) need complete replacement periodically? Would a few drops of hydrogen peroxide help keep H20 clean between weekly dumps/complete H20 refills?? Thanks All, Sandy


Well-Known Member
The AG's were about $100.00 per. I can remove the hood lights on the AGs and lower the tubes from above if that is better. Wish I'd seen the tubs y'all are using before I bought the AG's, WAY more room for roots... NEXT time. I think the AG's are going to be relegated back to the kitchen counter where they belong with dill & basil. It just SEEMED so easy... The biggest problem is the inability to override the AG's light timer system to be on for 24 hrs. What is a recommended feed for mixing with H20? I didn't know Fox Farm was used INSTEAD of the water, does it,( fox farm) need complete replacement periodically? Would a few drops of hydrogen peroxide help keep H20 clean between weekly dumps/complete H20 refills?? Thanks All, Sandy
If you want to put the AG hood on a timer, you can get a laptop power cord. It's the cord that plugs into the bulky charger.

For fox farm, you mix so many tsp/gal of each nutrient solution. You can find the tables on their website. The only fox farm product that is really organic is their big bloom. The veg and tiger bloom nutes are chemical like everything else.


Well-Known Member
If you have money to spend go ahead and buy some good snit, but if you are on a budget stick with what you got. This is a hobby that can go way to far sometimes.

I use a flood and drain with general hydroponic nutes, and just built a new system I'm goin to start it up this week.