proper lighting.


im starting a small grow of two plants in my basement in soil, they have yet to sprout in my window sill. when i move them to downstairs into their 5 gallon bucket, what kind/size light bulb should do the trick? open to any suggestions. the room is about 3 feet wide 8 foot tall and 4 foot in length, any help is greatly appreciated preferably on the cheaper side and purchased off of amazon or Home Depot thanks
Lots of nice cheaper LEDS on amazon for that small grow.

Here's one got most of the bells,and whistles includes uv and ir. (Ultraviolet infrared )
Not loud at all. Like 55db if i had to guess.
is it just the fan that makes the noise on yours? cause i can hear the fan going its just the fan is quite loud. im only growing 2 plants so imma set it to 50% and cover part of the intake and exhaust to see if its a bit quieter. it shouldnt overheat when operating only half of it and ill keep a close look on it. opinion?
is it louder than a normal conversation?
Well thats a tricky question because 400hz from a 55db fan doesnt sound as loud as 300-1khz from human vocal cords at 55db regardless of it actually being just as loud. Anyways i was way off, i took the reading with my outdoor garden door open which has over 1200cfm coming through the window and i didnt notice(i have extremly bad hearing and exposed to 150db daily with no ear plugs). Its actually 44db 1 inch from my term lab and 35db 3ft away, you can have a normal conversation over it, but you can still hear a fan running within 3ft. Also, carefull covering your ballast intake and exhaust, most of them have fan speed sensors and if it detects fan obstruction it will shut off and error out the ballast.
Well thats a tricky question because 400hz from a 55db fan doesnt sound as loud as 300-1khz from human vocal cords at 55db regardless of it actually being just as loud. Anyways i was way off, i took the reading with my outdoor garden door open which has over 1200cfm coming through the window and i didnt notice(i have extremly bad hearing and exposed to 150db daily with no ear plugs). Its actually 44db 1 inch from my term lab and 35db 3ft away, you can have a normal conversation over it, but you can still hear a fan running within 3ft. Also, carefull covering your ballast intake and exhaust, most of them have fan speed sensors and if it detects fan obstruction it will shut off and error out the ballast.
is there any safe way to cover it? thank you for the help
is there any safe way to cover it? thank you for the help
Im sure there is a way to cover it if your house is cool enough. if your house gets into the 80's like mine then im not so sure. My ballast can error out just standing too close to the intake/exhaust like 10" away