Proper Drying and curing help PLEASE


I know you all have been asked and i have googled it to death but i have several options of places to dry and cure
and no psotive right way

Describe for me the proper environment for drying dark closet should there be fans etc....

Also please any curing adivice, times etc..... my first harvest and the plants look so good i dont want to mess the rest up!!!

PLEASE any tips would be appreciated


I know you all have been asked and i have googled it to death but i have several options of places to dry and cure
and no psotive right way

Describe for me the proper environment for drying dark closet should there be fans etc....

Also please any curing adivice, times etc..... my first harvest and the plants look so good i dont want to mess the rest up!!!

PLEASE any tips would be appreciated
anything would be greatly appreciated, im wingin it so far

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
Everyone does it differently but what I do is chop the plant and trim up the buds. Then I hang them in a cardboard box that has good ventilation in and is in a cool room. It takes about 5-7 days until it's dry enough for me to put into a jar. Then I close the jar for 12 hours and when I open it it's kinda moist again so I leave the jar open till most of the moisture is out of the bud. I close the jar and begin curing by opening the jar a couple times a day by a length determined by what stage the bud is at. After about a week of this I just open the jar a few times a day to grab some bud out for my bowl.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
I also need to add that I do a perpetual harvest so I'm usually pulling only 1 plant at a time and I don't let my buds touch while there hanging. I don't know how many plants you have to dry and cure.


I also need to add that I do a perpetual harvest so I'm usually pulling only 1 plant at a time and I don't let my buds touch while there hanging. I don't know how many plants you have to dry and cure.
this is my first of a two week rotation plant is a beauty, will definately post harvest pics, i topped it after reading something on here and i got 2 colas about 18 inches long each, very dense, like beer bottle diameter,
should be what i hoped, enough to smoke and since ive been super paranoid im not gonna sell any im giving a few friends a list of nutes i need!!! ::~~~