Proof of Where GOD Came From


Well-Known Member
Yes, avoid what I was trying to say and resort back to the argument where you want to come out on top, tis the 'Song that never ends'. Believers in the things that you THINK are above nature, is what I meant by 'believers'.
Your grouping of believers by definition includes people who believe in reincarnation but not heaven, and those who believe in heaven, but not reincarnation. These are groups of people who disagree with each other. Somehow in your description they are both right when they oppose each other but if I oppose either then I am simply being militant. This seems like a long stretch to justify the strawman of 'militant atheism'. Ancient aliens theory is a terrible theory, we do not need to group people into any categories to examine and refute the evidence. This is an area you took the argument to when you had no other recourse.

Those who militantly yet pointlessly oppose those believers is what i meant by 'Your group of people'. Its pointless because you have no audience on the other side of the argument, no matter what the subject, yet you continue to blabber like you are making an impact on their minds, but Im sure you know you are only doing this for self benefit.
Again, the subtle suggestion that I should be quiet, I should give up. You presented evidence, I questioned it with points that are apparently hard for you to answer. It has nothing to do with any audience in my mind. That illusion is yours alone.

You avoid the things I brought up that have no 'natural' explanation, because one will probably never be found. Even the explanations you provide are iffy and hard to take seriously. Massive stones were rolled on trees across great distances, elevations and harsh terrain? Ed Leedskalnin did his work using only leverage? Hmmm, that it explains why its still an unknown secret, since he had so many people watching him lift trees when he was a lumber jack. Perhaps he was behind a giant curtain when he was lifting these massive trees, thats why no one seen him and found out his simple secrets that can be reproduced :razz:. Indeed, that tripod was a key instrument in his work. But he used that tripod and pully in tight spaces and did seemingly impossible maneuvers to get these stones in the right places? Have you seen pictures of Coral Castle? That tripod is not what you think it is, and it has never been seen since Ed's death.
...therefore aliens did it. You have now gone from "it's impossible" to "it's improbable", while my position has stayed the same, "I don't know."

Damnit... There I go again... Giving thise egomaniac more reason to continue 'The song that never ends'. But without people like me, you would lose a big sense of purpose in life, so I guess I am doing a good deed :mrgreen:.
And you close with more well poisoning. If there is one thing you are persistent at, it's covering your ass. Maybe someday you will find a cover that isn't transparent.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Your grouping of believers by definition includes people who believe in reincarnation but not heaven, and those who believe in heaven, but not reincarnation. These are groups of people who disagree with each other. Somehow in your description they are both right when they oppose each other but if I oppose either then I am simply being militant. This seems like a long stretch to justify the strawman of 'militant atheism'. Ancient aliens theory is a terrible theory, we do not need to group people into any categories to examine and refute the evidence. This is an area you took the argument to when you had no other recourse.

Again, the subtle suggestion that I should be quiet, I should give up. You presented evidence, I questioned it with points that are apparently hard for you to answer. It has nothing to do with any audience in my mind. That illusion is yours alone.

...therefore aliens did it. You have now gone from "it's impossible" to "it's improbable", while my position has stayed the same, "I don't know."

And you close with more well poisoning. If there is one thing you are persistent at, it's covering your ass. Maybe someday you will find a cover that isn't transparent.
yes, believers in reincarnation and heaven are in my description of 'believers' because I believe in both heaven and reincarnation and we believe in things that you think are above nature. You only think ancient aliens is a terrible theory because you refuse to accept that some of the things they accomplished would be extremely difficult with modern technology, never mind simple tools, so you just say 'I dont know'.

Im not suggesting that you be quiet. Im just saying your efforts are useless and nothing is gained from your input, at least from my side of the argument, and its the same situation from your side of the argument but Im not the one seeking those that are against my point of view like you are. I just gotta let you sermonize me with truth I guess!

Your position is 'I dont know'? Since when? This whole time you were passionately opposing these claims but you finally admit that you dont know if aliens were here or not. I dont get you man.

Well poisoning? I think Im accurate. What would you do with your spare time if there wasnt people like me making 'logical fallacies' on the internet? God forbid you do something productive lol.


Well-Known Member
that doesnt even explain how Coral Castle was made.
"We don't know whether Ed Leedskalnin used the same techniques as Wally Wallington, but we clearly have to acknowledge that there are ways to do it without machinery. When asked how he built his castle, Ed would answer "It's not difficult if you know how," and according to Coral Castle's web site, he said he was able to move the heavy blocks because he "understood the laws of weight and leverage well." Sounds to me like he figured things out the same way Wallington did."

"There are photographs of Ed at work on his castle, lifting his blocks with a large tripod made of telephone poles perhaps 25 feet tall, using chains and a block and tackle system. When he once disassembled and relocated Rock Gate Park a few miles from Florida City to Homestead to escape an encroaching subdivision, the blocks were moved on a flatbed trailer towed behind a rented tractor. But his use of tripod cranes and tractors don't seem to fit in very well with the magnetic energy vortex theories, and so you won't find references to these pictures on most Coral Castle web sites."

"Using a block and tackle in this manner is called mechanical advantage, and it's what allowed Archimedes to once lift an entire warship full of men using only a block and tackle and his own strength."

"Before Ed moved from Latvia at age 26, he grew up in a family of stone masons. Very little is known about what type of stone mason work he did in Latvia, but it probably explains his interest and knowledge of quarrying, cutting, and carving stone. He then lived in Canada and worked as a lumberjack, work which is largely about moving felled trees. A tree the weight of Ed's largest coral block, 30 tons, is not at all uncommon — some trees can weigh hundreds of tons. Before Ed ever started work on Coral Castle, he had a wealth of work experience that gave him all the knowledge he'd ever need to build his creation. It's simply not necessary to invoke made-up mystical powers, aliens, or magnetic vortex energy to explain Coral Castle."

**Chief chooses not to respond ^^

You dont know how they did it as well and you only side with the more simple explanation because we have fancy toys that we think are advanced.

Following the simplest explanation of evidence is called parsimony. Can you name any phenomena in which the explanation which made unjust assumptions turned out to be correct?

**Chief chooses not to respond ^^

Its also kinda funny how many people are against the idea of ancient advanced knowledge when its clear that those structures could not be made with ropes, human labor, or soft metals, yet they still side with the simple explanation that doesnt make them question existence because that option makes them more comfortable.

"Many stones have grooves several centimeters in width and depth on two adjacent faces for holding ropes. They even had special places cut into the stones that Pumapunku scholars call “hoisting grips.” These are all very strange things to do if they could simply levitate these blocks."

Chief responds with...

I like soup.
*Cough* o.o


Well-Known Member
yes, believers in reincarnation and heaven are in my description of 'believers' because I believe in both heaven and reincarnation and we believe in things that you think are above nature. You only think ancient aliens is a terrible theory because you refuse to accept that some of the things they accomplished would be extremely difficult with modern technology, never mind simple tools, so you just say 'I dont know'.
Show me one scientist or 'non-believer' who says it was easy. It's amazing, but amazing doesn't equate to aliens. Saying I don't know is intellectually honest, saying aliens did it is demonstrably stupid. So now that you have turned back to aliens as the topic, you dig up the same argument as before? A strawman coupled with a non-sequitor.

Im not suggesting that you be quiet. Im just saying your efforts are useless and nothing is gained from your input, at least from my side of the argument, and its the same situation from your side of the argument but Im not the one seeking those that are against my point of view like you are. I just gotta let you sermonize me with truth I guess!
Again, the problem is when you devalue others for not agreeing.

Your position is 'I dont know'? Since when? This whole time you were passionately opposing these claims but you finally admit that you dont know if aliens were here or not. I dont get you man.
You don't pay attention apparently.

None of us are saying humans did it, we are saying it's very likely and possible humans did it, and we have no reason to suspect otherwise, because as #1 points out, saying you can't understand it does not indicate aliens. This isn't good enough for you? You need for us to agree with your alien theory? We have problems with the alien theory and we vocalize them. You then get inexplicably mad and accuse us of intellectual superiority. How intellectually superior does a person have to be to say 'I don't know" or "aliens doesn't make sense". You have to accuse us of being uncomfortable with the idea, and opposing you only because we like to rep each other. It never occurs to you that we criticize because it's warranted? For some reason, you have to invent boogiemen...
To this you responded with,

I like soup.
and now you complain that you don't 'get me' or understand my position. Do you not ever check yourself before you post? Is this the same sort of observational skill you applied when examining alien theory?

Well poisoning? I think Im accurate. What would you do with your spare time if there wasnt people like me making 'logical fallacies' on the internet? God forbid you do something productive lol.
Alluding to my use of time as not productive, alluding to ulterior motives, is well poisoning when it is done preemptively, as you have. It's a way to cover your ass from the rebuttal that is sure to come.


Active Member
yeah i just read the entire thread... no your not. but hey change your story as much as mitt romney i suppose, i dont care.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
yeah i just read the entire thread... no your not. but hey change your story as much as mitt romney i suppose, i dont care.
You skipped the part about Puma Punku or Inca structures? That might of been in another thread. This whole subforum is a pointless shit-show of arguing. Cant tell whats going on in this clusterfuck.


Well-Known Member
HAH Im assuming you knew I was right. Now you stepped off the stool but still have a raised voice, and the preaching continues.
That doesn't even make sense. I am beginning to suspect you are simply on the fringe of entering insanity, you are at the age when we sometimes see the onset, and you appear to be getting more schizophrenic as the weeks pass.

Below are the main characteristics identified by Wilson and Barber as being shared by those designated fantasy-prone,(1) as children they lived in a make-believe world much or most of the time; (2) as adults "the extensiveness and vividness of their fantasy has not significantly decreased" (3) 65% hallucinate and experience their fantasies "as real as real"; (4) 64% occasionally pretend to be someone else; (5) most have very vivid sensory experiences, while only about 10% of the comparison group have vivid sensory experiences; (6) most have vivid memories, while only about 4% in the comparison group do; (7) most can produce physical effects by imagining experiences, including orgasm, feeling heat or cold, or illness at the thought of eating putrid food; several in the comparison group shared this ability
Any of that sound familiar?


Well-Known Member
That doesn't even make sense. I am beginning to suspect you are simply on the fringe of entering insanity, you are at the age when we sometimes see the onset, and you appear to be getting more schizophrenic as the weeks pass.

Any of that sound familiar?
Holy shit that sounds spot on!


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Poor schitzos, they have no idea whats happening or how to deal with it or manipulate it so that the experiences are better.

My childhood world was quite real like every other normal person, actually. Went to church a handful of times. Believed in Jesus but thought Adam and Eve and what not was bullshit right from the start. Didnt really care at all about christianity though, just did my thang.

My boring childhood carried on to boring teenage and adulthood, like most people. Then I experienced some crazy shit, along with a lot of people that I know, but we all share the same hallucinations and it says nothing about reality? Damn, its crazy how people who are obliviously schitzos can find each other by chance and we all share the same hallucinations. Does that mean schizophrenia is infectious? Because new people experience these exact same hallucinations... lol


Well-Known Member
Except there's no way to verify any of your experience. What it always seems to boil down to with you is if you can't explain it, __________. You consistently fail to realize that you can't attribute anything to any reason if you have no evidence to do so.

And you never care to explain it in any further detail.

What experience did you share and with how many other people?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Except there's no way to verify any of your experience.

And you never care to explain it in any further detail.

What experience did you share and with how many other people?
Are you kidding me? I've explained these experiences for hours in vivid detail because I was being hounded by you guys. You forgot all about that? Do I really have to start this conversation again? lol


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me? I've explained these experiences for hours in vivid detail because I was being hounded by you guys. You forgot all about that? Do I really have to start this conversation again? lol
Yeah, Pad! Are you joshing us? How could it be possible that you would forget any, much less all of the details of Chief's Amazing Life Story? It was so compelling and memorable, I know that I, for one, often sit around and think through all of his incredible anecdotes. They really are convincing... :roll:


Well-Known Member
All I remember about it was he was walking with his friend and thought something, then his friend repeated it, then he got scared his friend could read his mind, then his friend reassured him everything was fine, and that was pretty much it.

I don't remember any mention of multiple people experiencing the same delusion at the same time.

So Chief, what happened?