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little known facts:
1) The French traditionally wore a piece of cloth around there necks to show surrender, this is where the tie comes from today.
2) In the wild capuchin monkeys have been observed to play a game similar to soduku
3) The pammellmouse is French creature no more 40 centimetres in height including horns, to this day these creatures can hold a town to siege for months at a time, which has lead to some of the culinary explorations like frogs or snails as food
4) Seals think you smell disturbingly un-fishy
Any Randy Quaid fans out there? idunno why i love this guy, and his wife, so much. he's kinda disturbing but off the charts weird, So ....FUNNY. I just noticed he's been You-tubing, so I have some catching up to do. enjoy

wrong video, look out for randy videos you cant miss!
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