Komas pretty damn legit. Dare I say slept on.
Strudel set
(DoSiDo x PCS2 (<chem4 x PCS1)
#2 chem heavy nose with a more DoSiDo like gas on the back. Very loud

Meow #6 (my keeper)
(Raw (Firecut x Scott’sOG) x PCS1 (WiFi3 x (Scott’sOG x CasperOG) raw fuel sharp goodness.

Father in laws keeper, his #9 (been teaching him the process, getting their) sour gas

Hotlava 1 (Scott’sOG x PCS1)

TK-esk gas. A certain sweetness to the back I dig.

Yogurt gas. Pretty unique.
Build like SFV, and has sour Pin dead skunky gas the not shit reeks up a whole god damn block. If you touch her you’ll smell it for nearly a hour.

Pearl 41
(Face on Fire x PCS1)
Raw lime sour gas.

Some outdoor photos.
Honeytrees (Ghosttrees (OGKB x CasperOG) x PCS1) for some juicy washes. Doughy Classic skunk.

Ksmorz 2 (zookies x PCS1) sour gas with more chocolate and subtle bubba esk undertones on the back.

. You see the word gas, I don’t use it lightly: shits gas.