Project Closet: Ebb & Flow, 600W, 4 plants, 2xLambo, Sour Diesel, GSxOG

Hey dudes! After a bit of consideration and I decided to undertake growing my own cannabis. I'm somewhat a science geek and I live in a state (Colorado) that allows me to grow up to 6 plants.. so I'm taking advantage! :woohoo: :dance013:

Not much of a talker, but I'm looking for some experienced feedback during my grow. So please feel free to chime in, I would love to hear feedback!

Here's the rundown:
I have an unused closet in my basement. It's about 20"x96". It luckily is connected to my crawl space - so I replaced my crawl space door with 2" thick insulation and ran some 6" duct out that door into my crawl space where a 6" inline booster fan pulls air from my closet/hood.

I decided to create an E&F table for this grow. I read a bit about E&F vs other methods, but I liked the simplicity of E&F and I felt I could get a decent setup to fit my closet at a decent price.

I started by building this DIY E&F table, it was very simple to build but I can already tell (3wks into usage) it will be a PIA when changing the reservoir. I may address this sometime soon..

1xSour Diesel
1xGSxOG (Grape Stomper x OG Kush)

Like I said, I live in an awesome state and was lucky enough to pickup some clones from the local dispensary. $15 for a rooted clone in a rockwool plug - plus a 30 day guarantee. Deal!

I originally started with 3 plants, but lost 1 right away to a drought (see posts below). When I replaced the dead plant, I decided to pick up another lambo which brought my total to 4 (why not?).

I decided to go with the 3-part Flora series from General Hydroponics in combination with General Hydroponic's cal-mag.

I've also applied a Magic Green foliar spray from House & Garden - I plan on applying this every 2 weeks right before lights off.

I have put a lot of thought into medium and have decided to go with rockwool blocks from GroDan. I first started by putting the clone plugs into a 4x4 block where I then top fed, flooded, and hand sprayed for the first few weeks. It took me a while to get the watering down and the roots to pull through.

After the roots pull .5"-1" through the bottom of the 4x4 blocks, I then put those on a 6x6x6 ParGro blocks. The ParGro blocks have the vertical fibers which apparently dries the block out and is better for E&F systems.

All said and done, I'm hoping to flood the 6x6x6 blocks about 3" up the block and top-feeding as necessary (but at least once a week with a DTW flush to rid salts).

Photos coming up in the next several posts..
My table is alive!


My closet pulling air into my crawlspace..


These are what the babies looked like on the ride home.. I was so PUMPED!!

Week 1 (12/8 - 12/15):
I didn't pre-soak the GroDan blocks right away, so I believe all the water from the plugs were pulled by the dry block which resulted in sever under watering..

My 600W metal halide ran 24hr/day during this week.. I wish I would have done 18/6.. :(

After night 1, fuck!


I picked up a new lambo and sprayed the shit out of the sour diesel, my original plant is not recovering..


I replaced the dead plant and soaked my 4x4x4 blocks in 5.5ph water. I had to break a few roots to get the plugs out when I soaked them, but it wasn't too bad.. and I think it was worth it in hindsight. I took the following pictures 5 days into the grow after the soaking. At this point, I'm using 1/4 strength nutrient mix as prescribed on the Flora Series bottles. No cal mag or magic green, yet.

All 4 plants from the top:


All 4 from the side:

Week 3 Update 1 (12/24-12/26):
I made some big changes in my closet recently, so I wanted to post an update (and start this journal all together).

All of these pictures were taken today (12/26). I still haven't been flooding with the timer, but I have been manually flooding maybe 1 time a day for just a minute or two. My 1 block not showing roots through the bottom get flooded less.

I picked up some 6x6x6 pargro blocks to put my 4x4x4 cubes onto. I really wanted the 6x6x4 block to put my 4x4x4 on - but my local hydro store didn't carry the 6x6x4 - so hopefully this 6" cube works.

I went with pargro because grodan recommends it for E&F systems since it dries quicker. I'm fairly certain starting tomorrow AM I will need to start flooding my table more regularly. Luckily I'll be home all weekend to check on it!

I soaked and flushed the 6" cubes with 5.5ph 0ppm water, for about 30 minutes. Then I flushed (DTW) the blocks with my old reservoir solution (~940ppm). I have a new solution made up around 1010ppm at 5.5ph in my reservoir now (I'm using the week 3 blend in this solution plus about 200ppm of cal mag.

Sour Diesel roots:


Lambo 1 roots:


Lambo 2 roots (FRESH!):


GSxOG root tip:


Roots new mansion:


Santa also got me some new coco mat covers instead of the annoying plastic sheets. Thanks santa!


Notice, 1 plant (GSxOG, which is barely rooted) is not put on a block yet. When it gets roots about .5"-1" below the 4" block, I'll flush the big block with nutrient solution and place the 4" block on it. I'm hoping that's soon since I can see a little root popping out now.