Programmable thermostat for mini split AC


Well-Known Member
I'm in the market for a programmable thermostat for my mini split AC.

I have a 24k unit in flower which has a programmable on/off timer, but not programmable for day/night temperatures.

I'm actually surprised to find very little grower chat on forums about programmable thermostats for mini splits. Since many units do not have programmable functionality I have no idea what you sealed room lot are doing to gain full articulation over night-time temps.

There's plenty of options for central AC thermostats since many of these setups come with wall-mounted thermostats which can easily be swapped out for third party units, but choices for mini splits seem to be limited.

My unit and many others like it has a 120v control wire from the exterior condenser to the indoor air handler, but presumably its not so simple to just tap into this.

I have come across this wireless product, which appears to control the air handler via its IR signal and is managed via smart phone app over wifi


Suggestions on a similar product or function?

All I need is programmable timer and temp, and I don't know why its so hard to find more on this...


Well-Known Member

Currently I have my mini split unit set to turn off during lights out (day time actual), and in the winter my sealed room holds ambient temps fine at 74-78F, but it doesn't work this well in the summer when nights can linger in the high 70's or more; this plus residual heat from dehu, fans etc pushes temps with no AC into mid 80's. Not what I want.


Well-Known Member
You will have a hard time with this because when you lose power to a mini split it usually comes back on in the off position so many third party t-stats wont work. Not to mention that most of the time if you have a microprocessing board inside (which most have) then their is a power converter that changes a/c to d/c power and that is a problem to tap if you dont know what you are doing. Your mini split should already have a t-stat on the unit why not use that. IF not how ddo you set the temp for it to go off? If it is the on /off variety then the first thing to do is turn it on then unplug it from the power source. Then plug it back in, if it comes on then I can teach you how to wire it to a conventional t-stat with a transformer and a contactor. Then you can set the temp on the t-stat and it will cycle on and off like a reg a/c when it gets out of temp range.