Profit from Legal Plants?


anyone grow legal crops for cash flow
what type of plant is worth growing and makes a decent profit

weed is too risky


Guest want to become a legitimate farmer? You need to do a lot more research than asking what plants make money ;)

In short: Buy land, get a corn subsidy, profit (unlikely).


Member want to become a legitimate farmer? You need to do a lot more research than asking what plants make money ;)

In short: Buy land, get a corn subsidy, profit (unlikely).

:p cant really buy land
but if i could make the same amount of profit from planting a lot of legal plants
rather than a few weed plants
it would be nice


Yes well sorry the days of the small American farmer for food crops etc are OVER!

Government has killed this a long time ago, now you live off subsidies....

The only small farmers really left are those who have been in it and owned the farm
for generations. I think if you are looking for info on crop farming you might look somewhere
else for more information, not really what it seems is the concentration here....

And if you are trying to get into growing medical marijuana odds are its not super profitable
in your state as a grower itself if doing everything legal. Prices drop when it is legalized for
medical use... Lastly your primary concern if growing medical marijuana should be what crop
will fit your patients needs most not which will fill your pockets quickest....


Yes well sorry the days of the small American farmer for food crops etc are OVER!

Government has killed this a long time ago, now you live off subsidies....

The only small farmers really left are those who have been in it and owned the farm
for generations. I think if you are looking for info on crop farming you might look somewhere
else for more information, not really what it seems is the concentration here....

And if you are trying to get into growing medical marijuana odds are its not super profitable
in your state as a grower itself if doing everything legal. Prices drop when it is legalized for
medical use... Lastly your primary concern if growing medical marijuana should be what crop
will fit your patients needs most not which will fill your pockets quickest....

thanks and
whys the government so mean
im just trying to grow money on trees and live peacefully lol
what i do now?


Well-Known Member
try saffron its the best if your trying to cash crop you can easily make a good living