Well-Known Member
ok ive got a small plant growing its just over a week old....its about 15 cm tall....it had one nod of leaves on it nd they are still very small..like an inch long each.....i jus threw the seed in a cup nd it sprouted..using fox farm soil..no nutes...i had it on my window sill for a while....i then put it under a 60 watt normal bulb....for 18/6 light cycle....i water when its needed..its in a closet no fan...this is a ghetto grow....i dont grow indoor..only outdoors this is my first expericne wit this...alright so heres the prob....i came home today nd it was completely bend over like laying down..on the lip of the cup...the cups pretty small...half the size of a 500ml water bottle....im not gunna go out nd go crazy on an indoor grow..i dont want to its just an experiment....so dont tell me to go get shit...im not buying anymore than what i have..i dont care if it dies...jus want to kno what i can do...its completely over...it cannot support itself at all....i tryed to lift it up but it jus falls over....is this from due to the plant streching due to not enuff light or somethin.....any help wud help haha happy smokin