Production of cannabis UK Sentencing law: Wet or dry weight?


Hi there,

Today I went to court charged with production of cannabis. When the police raided my house there were no plants, only sophisticated growing equipment and the harvest from the day before, so the cannabis hadn't been dried. In the police evidence report, they state that the cannabis was damp and beginning to go moldy, it weighed 658g with a street value of around £6500. They estimated that there were 17-23 plants given that they use an average weight of 40g per plant. I was charged as having a 'lesser role', meaning that the production was purely for my own use.

The new UK sentencing guidelines are that category 4 (discharge to med-level community order) is 9 plants @ 40g per plant, category 3 (Fine to 26 week in prison) is 28 plants @ 40g per plant. So according to the police report I was closer to cat 3, meaning a potential prison sentence (the judge gave it to parole to advise whether I should be sent down, and she said she will keep all her options open).

My question is this:

Is the '40g per plant' a dry weight or a 'just harvested' weight? The police calculated the value of the dope as if it had been dried, even though they clearly stated it had not been dried. Given that cannabis looses 75% of it's weight when properly prepared for use, that's pretty important in terms of my sentencing, given that I would easily fall into cat 4 if the dried weight was used. They also used the 658g to calculate how many plants I probably had. When my solicitor brought this up, the judged dismissed him saying that the value is irrelevant, it's the yield that's important in determining how many plants there were likely to have been. She didn't seem to understand that it was unclear if the '40g per plant' is a dry weight or not, and neither my solicitor nor the probation officer new for certain either.

Sorry I haven't written very clearly: Do the police assume that each plant will produce 40g of dried cannabis or 40g of wet just harvested cannabis? No one in the court could tell me this - ridiculous!

I have a meeting with probation on 25.4.12, so if I can clear this up before then that would be great. I'm happy to work in the community for no money, but I don't want to go to prison.

Thanks and peace to all x
Sorry to hear dude. I really don't know. But showing support! How you get caughty? Too big of large setup?
Your solicitor didn't KNOW if it is wet or dried weight? Your'e doomed,I would start looking for another lawyer ASAP..
Any previous convictions? Any related to drugs? When it comes to probation reports you really have to sell urself as someone who has allready learned the harsh lesson of growing cannabis by being raided, everyone finding out, shame, embarrasment. If you have kids or a job or anything going for you, make emphasis on how important these things are for you. I'm no expert on cultivation offences but wiggled my way out of jail via probation reports. Hope everything goes well for you and if not your another poor bastard punished for the hobby and lifestyle we love. And the 40g is 40g of useable product which I would imagine means dry. As they have stated it was going moldy, make a point that you wouldn't smoke mouldy weed and would have been drying it out and smoking it. Explain that you grew half the number of plants they say you did but got lucky and achieved a large yield. I really hope you sail thru it without jail mate. The uk is harsh as owt on growers. We need to buck our ideas up as a nation cos shit like this is a waste of taxpayers money. Freeeeee the weeeeeeed!
Sorry to hear your bad news , how did you get busted ? I mean why , what led them to your grow ?

I know you hate the US with a passion, but cannabis laws in the UK make our laws look lenient. They go after growers over there like murderers over here
i know you hate the us with a passion, but cannabis laws in the uk make our laws look lenient. They go after growers over there like murderers over here

nahh man i know of at least 5 or 6 people round here who just got cautioned for there first grow , as long as you prove its for personal and only growing a couple of plants you are getting off with a caution for first time.
^Yeah. I'm from the states but live in Ireland now. I know that if I got caught back in Texas with the 2 plants I'm growing now, I'd be spending time in jail for sure. Over here though, as long as I showed that it was for me only( I don't keep baggies of Any kind in my house or car.), then I would probably have it confiscated and get a warning. Maybe a fine as well. But there's a 99% chance I wouldn't go to jail. :peace: