Product Review Forum

Do you think a Product Review section is a good idea

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Well-Known Member
The only snag is keeping trolling companies writing about their own products. I would like to propose an alternative idea. A review forum with the caveat that the poster has to have a minimum number of posts in other sections before they can write a review. I just think it will make the admins lives easier. Votes yes BTW.



Well-Known Member
i say yes,get like a few subforums to it with like rollin paper reviews,bowl reviews,nutrient reviews,the whole nine yards:peace:


Well-Known Member
Definite yes . . . I've been trying to figure out which pH pen/meter/device I need to check my waters . . . there are dozens and, while I don't mind spending the money, I sure don't wanna mess up a purchase and end up with the wrong device, or one that takes a marijuana scientist to use!


stays relevant.
Closing this thread. Has become a spam magnet. Repost it in Make Requests forum if you still feel that we need this forum addition.
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