Producing Seeds from a autoflowering strain


Active Member
So here's what i want to do .. i want to start with 10 Early wonder skunk seeds and actually for once hope for a male in the bunch my question is what is the easyist way to ensure full polunation and how do i know when the plant is ready to harvest the seeds themselves ... in addition to that how would it work if i want to go a bit larger scale and use a rotogrow system for much larger seed production as i obviously do not want any chance of the seeds falling from the plant in the rotation of things

so by now im sure you have clued in i want to bulk up my seed stock :P and by bulk up i want a few thousand
also i am curious what the best method of storage is for seeds

and what can i expect for the amount of seeds per plant (rough estimate)




Well-Known Member
warning the following information is tested only as much as i can so far.

if you want seeds, fem seeds from your plant i can advise a bit. you can take one of your healthy females about a 3-4 weeks into flower, from your main grow room. put it in a small closet still on 12 12, and during its dark cycle open the door and let low levels of light in on it for maybe an hour a night every other night for 6 days.
your plant will go hermi. but this is what you want. it will polinate itself and thus produce fem seeds. this is a proccess known as selfing. i have read about it in cervantes "the grow bible" and done it by accident on my last grow. you can check the link below for that grow. i had light come in through my window in my bedroom. through the ac blind thing. enough to cause it to herm out. i got probably 100 seeds in all. the smoke was still really sweet but i digress... anyway i planted 10 of these seeds and 2 sativas in the grow im doing now. all 10 of the seeds from that plant are fem. as well as one of the sativas. they would be healthy but i screwed the ph up. i realize some of you will probably flame me for telling someone to herm their plant out on purpose. but im just tryin to pass on info.

again this has not been tested again YET. i will be starting more of these seeds very soon. and if i get 85% fems or better on it after 100% this grow i will consider it confirmed.


Well-Known Member
Why would someone flame you on the newbie forum lol. I don't know about that hermie thing though because your seeds will carry that trait which means it will carry more chromoses than a regular seed. Like xx would be a female your seeds will be xxy or xxx which are both hermie. I rather just pollinate my females.


Well-Known Member
Also with the hermie seeds your plants may go hermie for the hell of it, not cause you did anything wrong but because they carry that trait.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand that IS exactly how they make feminized seeds.
Of course that's how they make "feminized" seeds. I don't buy them cause they can carry that extra y chromosome and then your fucked. You like that less thc bud then I am happy for you. I like to get stoned though so no thanks.


Active Member
LOL i said nothing about hermies i want nothing to do with hermies what so ever.... please re read the orginal post or if you can suggest a better place to post please do