Produce weed in 43 days

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Good point but I can't see how fighting the man translates into him having the Holy Grail method for pot growing. It seems embellishing. I won't hold his arrogance against him though, 6'8' dudes aren't known for being timid.

Love your moniker(sp?) I did studio work with PF, electric drums in Time. David Gilmoure is an amazing man, still doing good shit today. Roger WATERS IS GOING ON TOUR, SPEND THE MONEY.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Can you expand on this?

""Those particular buds were the result of many years work. I would collect 100 clones from the mother and pick the three best for new moms. This was repeated for 25 generations, the best of the best.""

Many believe that the further you get from that original 'choice' mother plant, that the genetics degrade or at the least begin to change due to environment and other factors in it's life span. We often hear of 10+ year old mother plants. This would put your current mothers 25 generations removed from that plant. Have you seen or noticed a difference?

Also if the clone is indeed an exact replica of the mother, what sense would it make to do this for 25 generations, to have the exact same plant at the end?

Thanx, RMH
Olivias is a cloning formula. Add it to the water you use to keep your clones wet at about half strength. Also, any sun/fan leafs you can cut the outer half of them off. That way the clone can focus on root production instead of feeding the leaves.

I'd want your dads secret please!!!
Can you expand on this?

""Those particular buds were the result of many years work. I would collect 100 clones from the mother and pick the three best for new moms. This was repeated for 25 generations, the best of the best.""

Many believe that the further you get from that original 'choice' mother plant, that the genetics degrade or at the least begin to change due to environment and other factors in it's life span. We often hear of 10+ year old mother plants. This would put your current mothers 25 generations removed from that plant. Have you seen or noticed a difference?

Also if the clone is indeed an exact replica of the mother, what sense would it make to do this for 25 generations, to have the exact same plant at the end?

Thanx, RMH
In theroy they are exact but just like identical twins there can be slight changes even though the DNA is exact. Like all living thing the strongest survive. I have not seen a decline from multible generations of cloning, quite the opposite. I agree the plant does drift from the original mother, certainly the first Sensi Star mom didn't produce anywhere near the size buds as those in the photo. Those were vastly improved with an extremely high trichome count.

I did the same thing with a Black Hash strain and had the same results. Those were the plants taken by the DEA when I was arrested. The DEA officer said that in his 25 years on the job they were the largest buds he had ever seen. I asked if he would put it on paper but he declined, "Dana grows biggest buds in my 25 years." Would have been frame worthy:-) Saddly I later read they were used to intrap others which really pissed me off. As a humorous note, the door to my grow room was open at the time I was raided, it backed up to a blank wall. When I returned home I slammed the door and there pinned to the door was a qp I saved for a fellow patient that they never saw. I have never laughed so hard in my life, good search guys!!!!! Instant Karma.

As for the Sensi Star strain, it was killed off by a babysitter while I was on a two week vacation. He had run out of nutes and thought it best not to add water if he didn't have the nutes. True story, better no water than water without nutes. Of course the grow store was almost a mile away so who can blame him. I now have all of my facilities on CCTV with readouts of vital signs which can all be seen on my phone. God bless technology.

On the new product front, I have been given a new type of light to try out. I have one of a total of two that are in the US, total of 288 Watts with a par value equal to a 1000W HID. One quarter the energy use and a fraction of the heat. If it works, you could have the same light as 4 1000W HID's without the power spike and no venting. I told the inventor if it could kill mites it would be a growers wet dream. I think we'll need to add a bit more red but otherwise it looks good so far. It is called an LE"G", going through UL testing now. Stay tuned. FYI, For those using LED lights, our lab just determined that due to a lack of radiation output cannabis doesn't produce the trichomes it should. Trichomes are what protect the plant from the suns radiation. No radiation, no need for trichomes.

Now this is what it's all about, rock on


Active Member
I already did, a page or so back I asked what the strain in the bowl was

I have been PM'ing him and I truely think we will get some good stuff out of him if given the chance he is a fellow coloradoan but that is not why I am supporting him, I remember when he was arrested it was big news and he fought and won, one of the biggest medical Mj wins in history,,,,I just think we should listen and see where it all goes
this. the very fact that this man was arrested, and won the court case agasint the FEDS is remarkable to say the very least. The man obviously has knowledge about growing that you and me and uncle ben and subcool and all the bigtimers, as well as the little timers do not have and could benefit from this knowledge. Thus benefiting growers in general. Isnt that what RIU is about? Sharing knowledge that weve obtained however way we manage to do it? Please everyone stop bashing the man and let him talk. Why are you even in this thread if you beleive him to be a crook, a fake, a (fill in the _______) ???? Seriously we are all mature enough to have convo without all the negativity and bashing. I wont even get into the whole sales pitch that everyone seems to have their opinion about but let me ask you this-What is wrong with selling something that you created or whatever? Isnt it business? Do you bitch at the owner of the seedbanks b/c he's selling seeds when he should be just giving them away? pleeease....

Pro. MJ please except my apologies for the way a lot of posters have treated you, I hope to learn from you! And yes I would even PAY money for it, why? because anything that is good/great and is successful is worth money. Like the way just about everything else is on the planet!!!
Perfect, Dixie there you go, there's the answer. Fdd you're a top dog, go check PM's and lets see where this BS stems from. Lets seek some truth and see who is who. When folks need to fabricate words to try and slam you it says a lot. If you have they access I give you my blessing to qualify what Dixie says I wrote. I don't get it, but am greatful we are going where we should be going. Thank You all for the chance to help. "The truth shall set you free" Lets see who the honest one is Fdd. Only fare.

this p.m you sent me sheds a light on what a hypocrit you are.

[quote[your nothing but a cock sucking punk. you can go fuck yourself . Its faggots like you that make society the fucked up mess that it is today. You see someone post something nice about someone instead of negative and you just have to jump in a flame them. What a fucking idiot you are. to bad your parents didn't abort you because this world would be a better place without a prick like yourself. I'd love to meet you in person and see if you would have such a smart ass mouth then, Im guessing not.


Well-Known Member
this. the very fact that this man was arrested, and won the court case agasint the FEDS is remarkable to say the very least. The man obviously has knowledge about growing that you and me and uncle ben and subcool and all the bigtimers, as well as the little timers do not have and could benefit from this knowledge. Thus benefiting growers in general. Isnt that what RIU is about? Sharing knowledge that weve obtained however way we manage to do it? Please everyone stop bashing the man and let him talk. Why are you even in this thread if you beleive him to be a crook, a fake, a (fill in the _______) ???? Seriously we are all mature enough to have convo without all the negativity and bashing. I wont even get into the whole sales pitch that everyone seems to have their opinion about but let me ask you this-What is wrong with selling something that you created or whatever? Isnt it business? Do you bitch at the owner of the seedbanks b/c he's selling seeds when he should be just giving them away? pleeease....

Pro. MJ please except my apologies for the way a lot of posters have treated you, I hope to learn from you! And yes I would even PAY money for it, why? because anything that is good/great and is successful is worth money. Like the way just about everything else is on the planet!!!

dude, get outta here with the drama. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Perfect, Dixie there you go, there's the answer. Fdd you're a top dog, go check PM's and lets see where this BS stems from. Lets seek some truth and see who is who. When folks need to fabricate words to try and slam you it says a lot. If you have they access I give you my blessing to qualify what Dixie says I wrote. I don't get it, but am greatful we are going where we should be going. Thank You all for the chance to help. "The truth shall set you free" Lets see who the honest one is Fdd. Only fare.

QUOTE=mydixiewrecked;4361178]this p.m you sent me sheds a light on what a hypocrit you are.

quote[your nothing but a cock sucking punk. you can go fuck yourself . Its faggots like you that make society the fucked up mess that it is today. You see someone post something nice about someone instead of negative and you just have to jump in a flame them. What a fucking idiot you are. to bad your parents didn't abort you because this world would be a better place without a prick like yourself. I'd love to meet you in person and see if you would have such a smart ass mouth then, Im guessing not.

i ask you again to refrain from dragging me in to your nonsense. i thought you were done with this crap.

i have NO access to pm's.


Active Member
dude, get outta here with the drama. :cuss:
lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.

relax and light one


Well-Known Member
lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.

relax and light one
we all agreed to stop, several pages ago. the prof WAS answering questions, until you started back up with this nonsense. :roll:

you are the one who came in late and needs to relax. scroll back a few posts and you'll see. ;)


Active Member
we all agreed to stop, several pages ago. the prof WAS answering questions, until you started back up with this nonsense. :roll:

you are the one who came in late and needs to relax. scroll back a few posts and you'll see. ;)
i read the past few pages. All i did was, for the 1st time, voice my opinion on the thread. Thats all. we can all have opinions right? Im prety relaxed my friend. Its all good, im by no means "trying to start up nonsense again" I just want to learn how to grow some herb so I can fiannly get off the slew of narcotic pain meds Ive been on for the past decade:( And if I can learn how to do it in 43 days or 93 days then rock on!!! Heres a bowel of strawberry-cough cheers brother


New Member
Cool, this is what it's about. The strain is Sensi Star and they are very much ready for harvest. In 43 years growing I believe I know when to harvest by trichome color and sugar levels. Those buds are what we growers dream of, they are the best of the best and the picture really doesn't do them justice, frickin huge and hard as rocks. Beautiful.
Those particular buds were the result of many years work. I would collect 100 clones from the mother and pick the three best for new moms. This was repeated for 25 generations, the best of the best.
doesnt cloning from a clone repeatedly(25 generations) result in gene degradation?
edit: nevermind


Active Member
You right, sorry. Wow, just amazing. My Bad I'll stick to answers. Just was blown away.
hi prof. a ? if I may. Im debating on instead of growing multiple plants under a single 1000w MH/HPS Id like to grow 1 or maybe 2 huge plants. Could I acheive 1 gram per watt or more doing this? I have the space/environemnt to do so and would choose a stain that would best suit it. Would this be better than growing X amount of plants under 1000w and thus resulting in a smaller yield? Im a mj med patient and just want to grow a large amount of meds without having to tend to multiple plants as 1 or 2 big plants would make things easier for me and my chronic pain condition. Thank you and thanks for coming on this site and sharing your incredible knowledge of growing with those who are still learning about this wonderful plant!!
I'll pose a question to you, where do you get the vast majority of your yield? I will propose it is from the top third of the plant. My opinion is if so, why grow the bottom two thirds. with 1000W you could light a 3x3 ebb and flo which could host 25 to 30 plants. If you place a slab of Rock Wool on the bottom and place cubes with your clones on top you would have room for root growth. Here's what I would do, Place clones in 4x4 inch rockwool cubes every six inches. Start with small clones and go directly into flower. Sativas will get out of hand and take much longer, a pure Indica will finish in 6 to 7 weeks max. Don't ever water, make the roots chase the water, this will increase your yield. Provide 1400 ppm C02 and use a good nute. Drain every two weeks. Don't forget secondary minerals as hard ones drop out in hydro systems. My choice is House and Garden for nutes and watch your ph, follow their feeding and ppm and ec won't be an issue. Keep bottom leaves trimmed and stake each plant so they don't block light from others. You'll end up with 36 nice cola's in a short time frame and over time your yield will be much higher.

Indica's are more narcotic and will help with your pain more than a Sativa.

That would be my choice, quicker, cleaner, faster. Try it and see. Let me know the system you have and I'll give you my input.
Gonzo, I made a total profit of $200 from that seminar, only because somebody paid with a cashiers check. I lost the damned check so made zip. Just rolling in it.
lol. the 'drama' you speak of is what Ive been reading for the past god knows how many pages. No drama from me as I actually want to learn from the man, as many others dont. So go tell the 200+ people to take the drama out, that way instead of 50+ pages of bullshit like we have here we could have 25 pages of great, detailed information on growing MJ from an expert.

relax and light one
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