produce some seeds from auto plant

First time grower here , I have been reading your posts and I am amazed at all the terminology and tricks so far . My first shot at indoor grow has just come to an end yesterday , long story short , my cousin who dabbles in genetics and strains for years sends me 10 charlottes angel auto seeds , I germed 5 , 4 sprouted and I started them out under a small fluorescent grow tube , transferred them to 3 gal pots after a 10 days , under 2 times 1200 w aglex leds, noticed after 2 weeks that 2 plants were definitely male ( first timer , not paying as much att. as I should , and I thought that 100 % for sure that they were females ) , any ways , im pretty sure that other two definite females are pollinated ( I see the white pistils are starting to turn dark at tips ) , im anticipating they will give some seed with the bud, so transferred them to my greenhouse with my tomatoes and lettuce and ordered 5 cb diesel seeds( strictly cbd strong) from crop king . .
in the mean time as im waiting for seeds to germinate , im cleaning and improving grow room, ( 32 in times 4 ft6 ft 6 in t), in anticipation of new grow which finely brings me to the question , can I theoretically germinate 4 seeds , grow them a couple weeks separate one plant and do the silvermethod on one lower branch and this would pollinate rest of plant for some seeds for next time , while hopefully harvesting 3 other plants in grow room with enough bud to make my own cbd oil as this is reason to get into this whole growing things as I support 100 % cbd movement , along with my outside green house exp. with vegtables to want to grow my skills in horticulture a bit more . I apologize in advance for any and maybe many wrong assumptions I may have made in this post , but like I said im just a newbie to the grow your own generation and give thanks for any and all info and tips
Hey there @piedrarock lots going on for you, always good to see new growers dive in.

STS or CS use on a single branch will have the desired effect on said branch, and pistols will change to pollen sacks. All will work as you expect but a small snag is the timing is a little off.

I might suggest an alternative method:
Requires 2 fem beans (same auto strain) but will mean no crop (though keeping the small will allow for a bud run at same time as seed run.

For cs I take bean one 2 weeks after its out of seedling phase: ideally you want to treat as close to the plant 'flowering' as possible and treat the plant as method requires.(I use cs - not used sts so can't say)
2-3 weeks is usually about the time to start seeing nanner on plant one, now is the time to remove from main grow area and you should drop the second seed now too.
Pollen needs to be viable, so it also needs to be matured for a bit and dry, so a week or so will allow seed two to veg (collect and chill any pollen that drops keep it in airtight condition with flour (yes flour baking flour at a ratio of 4 flour to 1 pollen)).
once seed nbr2 is about two weeks into flower: use a q tip or tiny paint brush to apply pollen to nbr flowers Since seeds needs about 5 weeks to mature.

If you use the branch method, you'll end up about 3 weeks behind and seeds are immature, and often riddled with inconsistent qualities (Hermie's etc)

Those extra weeks will make a huge difference to the final seed quality.

Additionally, because you are removing smokable bud from the equation you can grow in really small pots and leave as a single cola, so really easy to manage (keep mine in pots no bigger than a 1l bottle) they will never need to be directly under lights either. My pair will stay in window sill because I don't need XXL buds. Just let them do their thing in piece, but a corner of a tent will allow a pollinated female to do her thing.
Good luck whatever you do.
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Thank you very much Jimmy for that detailed method on getting seeds , after posting I spent a some time on this site and seemed to answer my own question , so I was expecting no answers at best and some shit at worst , your method is very similar to some I read, so thanks again , its great to have lots of info and can make good decisions and more confidence going in .