Problems with the plant! In need of urgent help! (Pics)


Active Member
Hey RIU.

My Nirvana NL auto is about a month and half old, and it's been flowering I think for the past two and a half weeks or so? I've had some thrips problems I think, but I've used azamax and a chili spray about five times and it seems to have settled down. Don't see anymore, but if I do, I think I'm gonna go with pyrethrin or something organic. Anyways, down to business. Some of my leaves (around ten or eleven) have started to show some sort of def, and are starting to curl and crisp and die... So I know you're not supposed to be "trimming" this late into flowering, especially with an auto, but I couldn't just watch and wait for the leaves to fall off on their own... I've trimmed about seven or eight small to medium fan leaves that were bound to die within the next three days... As for the rest of the plant, I've left the ones that aren't too bad hoping to resurrect them. Originally, I thought it was a lockout of some sort b/c I ph'd the runnoff and it came out to 5.5-6? But once I dug into the soil a bit and ph'd some of that with some distilled water, it came out 6.5... So maybe potassium def? What can I do at this point? Using FFOF in one gallon pot with their nute trio... Haven't used more than 1/2 str nutes ever.. and every watering/feeding has been done with distilled water from the store. Any help would be great thanks!photo (4).jpg
Once the leaves have been been ruined and look dead like that one does there's no reviving them. If it were me I would just rip em off. I've never done autos but I tend to trim fan leaves throughout the flowering period. I try to do it in chunks so I don't stress the plant but a trim every two weeks or so to allow bud sites to receive more light should be fine. I used to use distilled water in the past but switched to tap. I've noticed no difference except it's cheaper and less of a hassle. Just leave the top off the water jug for 24 hrs to allow chlorine to evaporate. I would flush it with some salt leaching solution like Clearex. But if you don't have anything like that I would flush with at least 5 gal of water and let dry for a few days and try to give it half strength nutes and see how the plant reacts. It seems you haven't been keeping track of how many weeks you've been flowering, have you been keeping up with your nute schedule? Some Cal/Mag may help the deficiency


Active Member
Once the leaves have been been ruined and look dead like that one does there's no reviving them. If it were me I would just rip em off. I've never done autos but I tend to trim fan leaves throughout the flowering period. I try to do it in chunks so I don't stress the plant but a trim every two weeks or so to allow bud sites to receive more light should be fine. I used to use distilled water in the past but switched to tap. I've noticed no difference except it's cheaper and less of a hassle. Just leave the top off the water jug for 24 hrs to allow chlorine to evaporate. I would flush it with some salt leaching solution like Clearex. But if you don't have anything like that I would flush with at least 5 gal of water and let dry for a few days and try to give it half strength nutes and see how the plant reacts. It seems you haven't been keeping track of how many weeks you've been flowering, have you been keeping up with your nute schedule? Some Cal/Mag may help the deficiency
Hey CC, thanks for the reply. As for the keeping track, I noticed pistils on 6/28. After that, about a week and half later it started to flower? Idk exactly tbh lol. The past month or so has been extra hectic for me. As for nutes, I had it written down until I needed to start to nute couple other plants and my actual vegetables... haha yeah I know not too good. Basically following the FF trio nute schedule just at 1/2 str. I was hoping to invest in some calmag, but unfortunately I'm extra low on cash atm. So instead, I thought I'd try just reg tap. Just this once, I just took tap straight and watered it b/c didn't have 24 hrs to let everything get gravy. I'll wait until tmrw to see how she reacts to it, and if it gets worse, I might just have to flush, not sure. As for the 1/2 str nutes after the flush, does that mean I would use 1/4 str nutes? And lastly, what exactly is it that you think it is?
When you saw pistils on 6/28 was the light schedule at 12/12 or still on veg time? If it was still in veg than those pistils are preflowers. Those preflowers and pistils take a little while to develop. That's the only thing I don't like about growing, you spend 4 months growing and the sweet juicy buds are only around for 4 weeks. I wish they were around alwaysssss. But you gotta respect, understand, and learn every stage of the lovely plants growth. When I start flower I'm usually at half strength nutes and work my way up depending on how the plants react. I may give 1/2 tbsp for two waterings and if they look good I'll give 2/3 tbsp the next two waterings. Use your judgment, a little nute can go a long way. I want my plants at full strength nutes by about halfway through flower, 4-6 weeks, then I'll flush and give them full strength till harvest flush. So if you flushed don't give less nutes UNLESS ur plant was unhealthy because of nute burn. With just that one pic of a fan leaf I dno what your plants problem is :confused:. If you post more and better pics I'll do my best to assess


Active Member
When you saw pistils on 6/28 was the light schedule at 12/12 or still on veg time? If it was still in veg than those pistils are preflowers. Those preflowers and pistils take a little while to develop. That's the only thing I don't like about growing, you spend 4 months growing and the sweet juicy buds are only around for 4 weeks. I wish they were around alwaysssss. But you gotta respect, understand, and learn every stage of the lovely plants growth. When I start flower I'm usually at half strength nutes and work my way up depending on how the plants react. I may give 1/2 tbsp for two waterings and if they look good I'll give 2/3 tbsp the next two waterings. Use your judgment, a little nute can go a long way. I want my plants at full strength nutes by about halfway through flower, 4-6 weeks, then I'll flush and give them full strength till harvest flush. So if you flushed don't give less nutes UNLESS ur plant was unhealthy because of nute burn. With just that one pic of a fan leaf I dno what your plants problem is :confused:. If you post more and better pics I'll do my best to assess
Hey CC, thanks again for the reply. Before I get started, I'm not sure if I mentioned above, but my NL is an AUTO. So when it first started out, I had it under 150w HPS 24/0 till it got to its third node or so, just cause it was way too cold in my grow area. It's been 18/6 since I noticed it'll be ok in some cold conditions. Idk what happened during the course of the growth, but I had to opt for one 85w CFL and one 55w CFL, b/c the box started to get way too hot with the HPS. (92F)... Maybe b/c there was more mass taken up in the box? I'm not too sure lol but either way, I couldn't leave it like that forever. With the nutes, if I'm not mistaken, the FFtrio goes by tsp? Not tbsp? I might be trippin lol... But yeah, I haven't fed over 1/2 str yet. Maybe that's what it is? Potassium def? The thing is, whenever I feed them, the tips of the newest growth of leaves turn a slight yellow, but after a light cycle or so, it turns back to nice green color.

As for the picture, that is about what sums it up. Some of my leaves are turning like that, others have small reddish/brown dots on them, I'm guessing on it's way to meet its fate just like the picture above. It might sound silly, but I'm actually kinda sketched out showing off my plant online b/c I'm in a non medical state and... well you know how that goes. Next purchase for me is going to be some calmag, but can't throw down enough money right now, so I've just opted to use plain tap.

I hope that'll kinda give some insight.

Oh and I forgot to add, if it might help at all, I believe the plant spent right over three weeks in veg, before I noticed white pistils coming out. During those three weeks, I believe I fed it 1/4 str nutes twice. Lockout? Or what o.o


Well-Known Member
Looks like your PH was too low and locked out P and Mag, you can flush it well and then if you are short on cash you can get Epsom salt for almost nothing and that is Cal Mag, mix it at half strength with your nutes cut to 1/4 strength, and make sure you PH your water too!!


Active Member
Looks like your PH was too low and locked out P and Mag, you can flush it well and then if you are short on cash you can get Epsom salt for almost nothing and that is Cal Mag, mix it at half strength with your nutes cut to 1/4 strength, and make sure you PH your water too!!
Hey prop, thanks for the reply. I ph'd it and it came out around 5.5-6 i think... but the soil near the roots came out 6.5. I think I forgot to mention that I added some dolomite lime to it from epsoma. (ground finely). Any chance you know how long it takes to work its magic? And I heard about epsom salt, like a replacement for calmag, but I've heard people saying stay away from it. What's the deal? And I'm guessing after you flush it, it'll start to wilt a little right? Just wait till the soil dries and feed it 1/4 str wit some epsom?
Yea those pistils were preflowers. I usually get them around 4th week into veg and flip the lights a week after. That's how you know they're ready. I'm thinkin lockout as well. What size containers are they in? should be 3 gal at a minimum. I like 5 gal. If they're in something smaller that can cause problems too for the simple fact that the roots could be root bound...FF trio goes by tsp, you're right, my fault on that one. Stick to the schedule for best results


Active Member
Hey CC. Yeah after some reading, I feel like it MIGHT be rootbound... I haven't had the balls to check yet though lol... scrog screen is filled and the buds are starting to form along with some frostiness. I'm tryna make an executive decision right about now... Gotta choose to make sure what it might be lol... If it's a lockout, I'll try to get some calmag or something of the sort. (epsom as a last resort). OR, could it just be a potassium def in which I would just up the trio nutes? I read the label, and for the K value, it's only 4 on tiger bloom. Is that a kind of low amount of K for it? If it's a rootbound issue, actually... what do I do if it's not a rootbound issue. Would that stress the plant out being taken out like that? It's in a one gallon smart pot atm. I'd prefer to stick with smart pots, and I'd have to order it online in advance to get a two gallon one. (That's my max b/c of very limited space).

Btw, any idea on how long it takes lime to kick in?
If it's nute lock out u need to flush flush flush. Rid the medium of everything and start again. Judging by what you've told me I would have flushed in the very beginning. Check on amazon for cal/mag. sounds like you have a small plant and amazon sells a GH trio with cal/mag, clearex, and sweet for like $20. I use the clearex for flushing, works great. Just be sure to flush again after with just plain water after. As for any deficiency look at the chart and compare ur plant to what u see

The levels in the FF trio are fine. I use the same nute line. Don't worry about the levels of the FF trio just make sure to find out how much of it your plants like and work your way up to the normal dose on the chart.
Yeaaa, it may be hard to transplant without stressing it too much since it's in flower and already Scrog'd. Usually people who use 1gal do 12/12 from seed cuz plants tend to be much smaller. I dno if ur plant is gna be too big for its pot since I can't see it but I would think 1gal is too small. I've only used 5 gal and if I had to transplant, I try not to have to transplant, I would start em in 1gal and transplant to 5


Active Member
Yeah I based it off that chart lol. It looks like a potassium def at first, then it dies off like its phos def. I'm guessing it's a lockout? Not entirely sure. Don't have two-three gallons of distilled water or anything like that on me atm. Think I can just flush two gallons of straight tap that hasn't evapped the chlorine? Yeah and the ones I've been looking at was the ones on amazon. Calmag+ or GH calmag etc etc. So broke can't afford $20+shipping lol...


Active Member
Oh and I just fed it 1/2 str nutes yesterday. So the soil is still slightly moist. Should I wait to flush tmrw or so, or should I go ahead and flush with just a gallon of water?


Active Member
And is it likely to get the same results with flushing as using clearex or FF sledgehammer or such? And with the epsom salt, if it's a salt buildup or ph buildup... would adding more salt do any good o.o


Active Member
Holy shit dude, I'm so gone right now I just realized though somehow that I've been meaning to say calcium def for the whole time LOL. I've been using that chart for a while now trying to figure out wth it is. I'm not tripping right? I'm pretty sure its a calcium def, reddish brown dots. On the chart it looks like potassium, but after looking some up, I'm pretty certain its a calcium def... So I sprinkled crushed dolomite about one tbsp for my one gallon pot, and hopefully it kicks in.
Probably calcium def. In the past a few of my leaves had gotten fuked up with red spots and a bit of discoloration and I started using the cal/mag and that seemed to seize the problem. Since then I always make sure I've got cal/mag and if some leaves look messed up and I haven't been using the cal/mag I'll go ahead and use the cal/mag first before I start really trying to figure the problem out. But I consider it part of my nute line so I'm constantly using it. I would Flush in the tomorrow, just let it dry out a bit. For flushing use 5x the amount of ur plant container. So 1gal pot = 5 gal water. Find a big ass bucket and use that, they're usually 5 gal. I've never used sledgehammer but would like to see the result nor have I used epsom salt. Never had a need to so I'm not much help on that subject but loads of people use it so lookin up info on it will be easy. But yea clearex is the same general concept. Salt leaching solution. Don't add salt, you want to rid the medium of salt buildup that nutes produce